JUMP TOIBM Security Verify Access OIDC ProviderWell-known Metadata EndpointUse this endpoint to retrieve authorization server metadatagetJSON Web Keys (JWKS) EndpointUse this endpoint to retrieve authorization server public keysgetPushed Authorization Request EndpointUse this endpoint to initiate pushed authorization requestpostAuthorize EndpointUse this endpoint to trigger authorization requestgetUse this endpoint to trigger authorization requestpostConsents EndpointUse this endpoint to submit user consentspostBackchannel Authentication EndpointUse this endpoint to initiate backchannel authenticationpostBackchannel Status Update EndpointUse this endpoint to update user authentication statuspostBackchannel User Authorization EndpointUse this endpoint to authenticate CIBA usergetUse this endpoint to authenticate CIBA usergetToken EndpointUse this endpoint to obtain an access tokenpostIntrospection EndpointUse this endpoint to retrieve token metadatapostRevocation EndpointUse this endpoint to revoke a tokenpostDynamic Client Registration EndpointUse this endpoint to dynamically register a clientpostUse this endpoint to update dynamic clientputUse this endpoint to read dynamic clientgetUse this endpoint to delete dynamic clientdeleteUse this endpoint to read dynamic clientget https://{pointofcontact}/oauth2/register/{clientId}Read the current configuration of the client on the OIDC Provider.