Deprecated - Retrieve the list of a schema attributes in Cloud Directory for a tenant.

Deprecated - This API is deprecated and will be removed after May 2022. Use this API: GET /v1.0/attributes

The filter query parameter supports the options:

"default" - the filter will show the default schema attributes.
"custom" - the filter will show the custom defined schema attributes.
"customAvailable" - the filter will show the custom schema attribute names that are available for use.
"hashedCustomAvailable" - the filter will show the hashed custom schema attribute names that are available for use.
No filter will show all the schema attributes.

You can further narrow your search using the query parameter "fullText".
Supports sorting and paging on the results.

Entitlement required: readUserGroups (Read users and groups) or manageUserGroups (Manage users and groups) or manageAllUserGroups (Synchronize users and groups) or manageUserStandardGroups (Manage users and standard groups).
Note: You only need one entitlement, but you can have more than one.
