

The IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider (IVIAOP) uses YAML documents for all configuration data. When the container starts, it will look in the /var/isvaop/config directory of the container for YAML documents.

Depending on your container environment, the files within the configuration directory can be bind mounted in, provided via a ConfigMap or any other mechanism which places the files in the configuration directory.

Refer to YAML Config Guide for full YAML configuration details.

Using Multiple Configuration YAML Documents

IVIAOP configuration can span across multiple YAML documents. This is useful for simplifying the management of configuration data.

YAML Documents Rules

IVIAOP combines all YAML documents found in /var/isvaop/config using the following rules:

  1. IVIAOP configuration documents must have the file extension .yaml or .yml.
  2. The following top-level keys can only be defined once across all configuration YAML documents.
    1. version
    2. definition
    3. jwks
    4. authentication
    5. template_macros
    6. ssl
    7. server
    8. javascript
    9. logging
    10. dynamic_registration
    11. secrets
    12. runtime_db
    13. session_cache
  3. The following top-level keys can be defined more than once in different configuration YAML files. When this occurs IVIAOP will combine all of the values.
    1. server_connections
    2. attribute_sources
    3. ldapcfg
    4. clients
    5. keystore
    6. rules
  4. When the configuration version is greater than or equal to 24.04, the following rules apply:
    1. Full YAML based configuration is supported.
    2. All configurations must supplied in the YAML configuration.
    3. attribute_map under definition references to attribute source under attribute_sources using name of the
      attribute source.
  5. When the configuration version is lesser than 24.04, the following rules apply:
    1. Full YAML based configuration is NOT supported.
    2. The following configurations must supplied in corresponding folders under /var/isvaop/config
      1. Customized template pages: templates
      2. Keystores: keystore
      3. JavaScript mapping rules: javascript/mappingrule
      4. JavaScript access policies: javascript/accesspolicy
      5. Static clients: clients
    3. attribute_map under definition references to attribute source under attribute_sources using id of the
      attribute source.

Example of Multiple Configuration YAML Documents

This example illustrates how multiple configuration YAML documents can be provided to IVIAOP. The following files are provided to the /var/isvaop/config path within the container.

  1. isvaop.yml
  2. oidc.yml
  3. runtimedb.yml
  4. session.yml
  5. ldap.yml
  6. attrsrc_value.yml
  7. keystores.yml
  8. rules.yml
  9. clients.yml

isvaop.yml - This file contains the top
level version, server, template_macros, logging, secrets, ssl, authentication and javascript keys. Each
document can provide more than one top level key, provided they are
following YAML Documents Rules.

# this file contains the IVIAOP server and related configurations version: 24.04 server: ssl: key: "ks:rt_profile_keys/httpserver" certificate: "ks:rt_profile_keys/httpserver" require_mtls : true client_auth_trust_store : ks:truststore pages: type: zip content: "" template_macros: user_macros: - name - family_name - given_name - display_name request_macros: - authorization_details - claims - user_code - state logging: level: debug secrets: obf_key: "abcdef" ssl: certificate: - ks:rt_profile disable_hostname_verification: true authentication: endpoint: >- callback_param_name: Target javascript: timeout: 0 max_load: 16 max_idle_time: 600 max_ctx_in_isolate: 50 cleanup_frequency: 0 use_pool: false

oidc.yml - This file contains the definition, jwks and dynamic_registration keys.

# this file contains the OIDC related configurations definition: id: 1 name: OIDC Definition grant_types: - authorization_code - implicit - password - client_credentials - refresh_token - 'urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba' access_policy_id: 1 pre_mappingrule_id: 100 post_mappingrule_id: 101 base_url: '' mtls_base_url: '' mtls_certificate_header_name: X-Client-Certificate features: enable_fault_tolerance: false enable_dynamic_registration: true consent_prompt: PROMPT_ONCE fapi_compliant: false enforce_par: false prefer_claims_at_userinfo: true token_settings: issuer: signing_alg: PS512 signing_keystore: rt_profile signing_keylabel: rsa256 authorization_code_lifetime: 300 access_token_lifetime: 7200 id_token_lifetime: 3600 refresh_token_lifetime: 64800 attribute_map: name: name preferred_username: preferred_username email: email metadata: claims_supported: - iss - name - displayName jwks: signing_keystore: rt_profile_keys encryption_keystore: rt_profile_keys dynamic_registration: recipe: UK-OB mappingrule_id: dcr software_statement_validation: jwks_uri: >- signing_algs: - PS256 - ES256 registration_endpoint_authentication: require_mtls: true require_bearer_token: true require_software_statement: false allow_custom_client_creds: true management_endpoint_authentication: require_mtls: true require_bearer_token: true require_software_statement: false registration_access_token: generate: true lifetime: 86400 scopes: - cdr:registration

runtimedb.yml - This file contains the runtime_db and server_connections keys.

# this file contains the runtime db related configurations runtime_db: db2srv server_connections: - name: db2srv type: db2 database_name: isvaop hosts: - hostname: hostport: 50001 - hostname: hostport: 50001 credential: username: db2inst1 password: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX18T/grbo0K8FiJ4DtaTl3EqjRECDQrP/xQ=" conn_settings: min_pool_size: 5 max_pool_size: 50 max_idle_time: 10 connect_timeout: 5 aged_timeout: 30 ssl: certificate: - ks:db2client

session.yml - This file contains the session_cache and server_connections keys.

# this file contains the session cache related configurations session_cache: type: redis cfg: redis-standalone server_connections: - name: redis-standalone type: redis deployment: model: standalone hosts: - hostname: hostport: 6390 credential: username: isva password: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX18rz1DFhOzHmrG5GKCRQJsEMmTcN/5VxSA=" ssl: certificate: - ks:rt_profile conn_settings: min_idle_size: 5 idle_timeout: 10 max_pool_size: 50 connect_timeout: 5 io_timeout: 3

ldap.yml - This file contains the server_connections, attribute_sources, and ldapcfg keys.

# this file contains the `server_connection`, `attribute_sources` and `ldapcfg` configuration for the ldap server `ldap_stg` server_connections: - name: ldap_stg type: ldap hosts: - hostname: hostport: 389 credential: bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org bind_password: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX18T/grbo0K8FiJ4DtaTl3EqjRECDQrP/xQ=" ssl: certificate: - ks:rt_profile conn_settings: max_pool_size: 50 connect_timeout: 3 attribute_sources: - id: 1 name: name type: ldap value: displayName scope: subtree filter: (objectclass=*) selector: cn,displayName,mail srv_conn: ldap_stg baseDN: dc=example,dc=org - id: 2 name: preferred_username type: ldap value: cn scope: subtree filter: (objectclass=*) selector: cn,displayName,mail srv_conn: ldap_stg baseDN: dc=example,dc=org ldapcfg: - name: ldap_stg_example scope: subtree user_object_classes: top,Person,organizationalPerson,inetOrgPerson filter: (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User)) selector: objectClass,cn,sn,givenName,userPassword srv_conn: ldap_stg attribute: uid baseDN: dc=example,dc=org - name: ldap_stg_ibm scope: subtree user_object_classes: top,Person,organizationalPerson,inetOrgPerson filter: (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User)) selector: objectClass,cn,sn,givenName,userPassword srv_conn: ldap_stg attribute: uid baseDN: dc=ibm,dc=com

attrsrc_value.yml - This file contains the attribute_sources key.

# this file contains value ldap type attribute sources attribute_sources: - id: 3 name: company_name type: value value: IBM - id: 4 name: company_url type: value value: ""

keystores.yml - This file contains the keystore key.

# this file contains the keystores keystore: - name: ks1 type: p12 content: "B64:<encoded_p12>" password: "OBF:<obfuscated_p12_password>" - name: ks2 type: pem certificate: - label: cert01 content: "B64:<encoded PEM>" - label: cert02 content: "@<file>" - label: cert03 content: | <inline PEM> key: - label: key01 content: "B64:<encoded PEM>" - label: key02 content: "@<file>" - label: key03 content: | <inline PEM> - name: ks3 type: zip content: "B64:<encoded zip>" - name: ks4 type: path content: "keystore/ks4_contents"

rules.yml - This file contains the rules key.

# this file contains the JavaScript mapping rules and access policy rules: mapping: - name: pretoken rule_type: javascript # optional, default to javascript content: "@<file>" - name: posttoken content: "B64:<data>" - name: cb_notify content: | <inline JS> access_policy: - name: default_policy content: | <inline JS>

clients.yml - This file container the clients key.

# this file defines the static clients clients: - client_id: client01 client_id_issued_at: 1642399207 client_secret: secret client_name: Test Client 01 enabled: true grant_types: - refresh_token - urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba token_endpoint_auth_method: private_key_jwt token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg: PS256 token_endpoint_auth_single_use_jti: false id_token_signed_response_alg: PS512 request_object_signing_alg: ES512 require_pushed_authorization_requests: false require_pkce: true backchannel_token_delivery_mode: poll backchannel_user_code_parameter: false - client_id: client01jarm client_id_issued_at: 1642399207 client_secret: "secret" # ahwouvzsvawraww client_name: Client JARM enabled: true grant_types: - password - refresh_token - authorization_code - implicit response_types: - code - token id_token - code id_token - code id_token token - code token redirect_uris: - - token_endpoint_auth_method: default tls_client_auth_subject_dn: CN=clientID01,OU=security,O=IBM,L=singapore,ST=singapore,C=SG tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens: false id_token_signed_response_alg: none

These separate documents are equivalent to providing the following as a single YAML document:

# this file contains all configurations version: 24.04 server: ssl: key: "ks:rt_profile_keys/httpserver" certificate: "ks:rt_profile_keys/httpserver" client_auth_trust_store : ks:truststore require_mtls : true pages: type: zip content: "" template_macros: user_macros: - name - family_name - given_name - display_name request_macros: - authorization_details - claims - user_code - state logging: level: debug secrets: obf_key: "abcdef" ssl: certificate: - ks:rt_profile disable_hostname_verification: true authentication: endpoint: >- callback_param_name: Target javascript: timeout: 0 max_load: 16 max_idle_time: 600 max_ctx_in_isolate: 50 cleanup_frequency: 0 use_pool: false definition: id: 1 name: OIDC Definition grant_types: - authorization_code - implicit - password - client_credentials - refresh_token - 'urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba' access_policy_id: default_policy pre_mappingrule_id: pretoken post_mappingrule_id: posttoken base_url: '' mtls_base_url: '' mtls_certificate_header_name: X-Client-Certificate dpop_validation_time_skew: 100 jwt_bearer_validation_time_skew: 200 client_assertion_validation_time_skew: 200 request_object_validation_time_skew: 100 jwt_token_validation_time_skew: 100 features: enable_fault_tolerance: false enable_dynamic_registration: true consent_prompt: PROMPT_ONCE fapi_compliant: false enforce_par: false prefer_claims_at_userinfo: true token_settings: issuer: signing_alg: PS512 signing_keystore: rt_profile signing_keylabel: rsa256 authorization_code_lifetime: 300 access_token_lifetime: 7200 id_token_lifetime: 3600 refresh_token_lifetime: 64800 request_object: lifetime: 3600 require_expiry: true only_request_object_params: false enforce_single_usage: false backchannel_settings: default_expiry: 900 maximum_expiry: 1800 polling_interval: 5 notifyuser_mappingrule_id: notifyuser checkstatus_mappingrule_id: checkstatus attribute_map: name: name preferred_username: preferred_username email: email metadata: claims_supported: - iss - name - displayName jwks: signing_keystore: rt_profile_keys encryption_keystore: rt_profile_keys dynamic_registration: recipe: UK-OB mappingrule_id: dcr software_statement_validation: jwks_uri: >- signing_algs: - PS256 - ES256 registration_endpoint_authentication: require_mtls: true require_bearer_token: true require_software_statement: false allow_custom_client_creds: true management_endpoint_authentication: require_mtls: true require_bearer_token: true require_software_statement: false registration_access_token: generate: true lifetime: 86400 scopes: - cdr:registration runtime_db: db2srv session_cache: type: redis cfg: redis-standalone server_connections: - name: db2srv type: db2 database_name: isvaop hosts: - hostname: hostport: 50001 - hostname: hostport: 50001 credential: username: db2inst1 password: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX18T/grbo0K8FiJ4DtaTl3EqjRECDQrP/xQ=" conn_settings: min_pool_size: 5 max_pool_size: 50 max_idle_time: 10 connect_timeout: 5 aged_timeout: 30 ssl: certificate: - ks:db2client - name: redis-standalone type: redis deployment: model: standalone hosts: - hostname: hostport: 6390 credential: username: isva password: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX18rz1DFhOzHmrG5GKCRQJsEMmTcN/5VxSA=" ssl: certificate: - ks:rt_profile conn_settings: min_idle_size: 5 idle_timeout: 10 max_pool_size: 50 connect_timeout: 5 io_timeout: 3 - name: ldap_stg type: ldap hosts: - hostname: hostport: 389 credential: bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org bind_password: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX18T/grbo0K8FiJ4DtaTl3EqjRECDQrP/xQ=" ssl: certificate: - ks:rt_profile conn_settings: max_pool_size: 50 connect_timeout: 3 attribute_sources: - id: 1 name: name type: ldap value: displayName scope: subtree filter: (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User)) selector: cn,displayName,mail srv_conn: ldap_stg baseDN: dc=ibm,dc=com - id: 2 name: preferred_username type: ldap value: cn scope: subtree filter: (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User)) selector: cn,displayName,mail srv_conn: ldap_stg baseDN: dc=ibm,dc=com - id: 3 name: email type: ldap value: mail scope: subtree filter: (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User)) selector: cn,displayName,mail srv_conn: ldap_stg baseDN: dc=ibm,dc=com ldapcfg: - name: ldap_stg_example scope: subtree user_object_classes: top,Person,organizationalPerson,inetOrgPerson filter: (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User)) selector: objectClass,cn,sn,givenName,userPassword srv_conn: ldap_stg attribute: uid baseDN: dc=example,dc=org - name: ldap_stg_ibm scope: subtree user_object_classes: top,Person,organizationalPerson,inetOrgPerson filter: (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User)) selector: objectClass,cn,sn,givenName,userPassword srv_conn: ldap_stg attribute: uid baseDN: dc=ibm,dc=com keystore: - name: ks1 type: p12 content: "B64:<encoded_p12>" password: "OBF:<obfuscated_p12_password>" - name: ks2 type: pem certificate: - label: cert01 content: "B64:<encoded PEM>" - label: cert02 content: "@<file>" - label: cert03 content: | <inline PEM> key: - label: key01 content: "B64:<encoded PEM>" - label: key02 content: "@<file>" - label: key03 content: | <inline PEM> - name: ks3 type: zip content: "B64:<encoded zip>" - name: ks4 type: path content: "keystore/ks4_contents" rules: mapping: - name: pretoken rule_type: javascript # optional, default to javascript content: "@<file>" - name: posttoken content: "B64:<data>" - name: cb_notify content: | <inline JS> access_policy: - name: default_policy content: | <inline JS> clients: - client_id: client01 client_id_issued_at: 1642399207 client_secret: secret client_name: Test Client 01 enabled: true grant_types: - refresh_token - urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba token_endpoint_auth_method: private_key_jwt token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg: PS256 token_endpoint_auth_single_use_jti: false id_token_signed_response_alg: PS512 request_object_signing_alg: ES512 require_pushed_authorization_requests: false require_pkce: true backchannel_token_delivery_mode: poll backchannel_user_code_parameter: false - client_id: client01jarm client_id_issued_at: 1642399207 client_secret: "secret" # ahwouvzsvawraww client_name: Client JARM enabled: true grant_types: - password - refresh_token - authorization_code - implicit response_types: - code - token id_token - code id_token - code id_token token - code token redirect_uris: - - token_endpoint_auth_method: default tls_client_auth_subject_dn: CN=clientID01,OU=security,O=IBM,L=singapore,ST=singapore,C=SG tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens: false id_token_signed_response_alg: none

Special Types

There are special types which can used in addition to plain text within the YAML file. These special types can be used to substitute values from alternative sources.

Keystoreks:<keystore name>
Certificate or keyks:<keystore name>/<certificate or key label>
External File@<file name>
Base 64 DataB64:<base64 encoded string>
Obfuscated (Encrypted with Shared Secret) StringOBF:<obfuscated string>
Encrypted (Encrypted with RSA) StringENC:<encrypted string>

Special Types Available in Kubernetes

In addition to the standard special types, there are Kubernetes specific special types available when IVIAOP is running in a Kubernetes environment.

Kubernetes ConfigMapconfigmap:<configmap name>/<configmap field>
Kubernetes Secretsecret:<secret name>/<secret field>

Example Keystore and Certificate

Refer to Key Management for ks: prefix details and example.

Example File Reference

The following example shows how a file reference can be used to source content from an external file. In this example, a rate limiting rule will be loaded from an external file.

The following folder structure is present in the configuration directory /var/isvaop/config:

|-- server
|   `-- redis_stg.yml
`-- session.yml

In this example, server\redis_stg.yml is a simple YAML file with the content:

name: redis_stg type: redis deployment: model: standalone hosts: - hostname: hostport: 6390 credential: username: password: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX18rz1DFhOzHmrG5GKCRQJsEMmTcN/5VxSA="

In the IVIAOP configuration file session.yml, the content of server\redis_stg.yml is included by specifying "@server\redis_stg.yml" as a value.

session_cache: type: redis cfg: redis_stg server_connections: - "@server/redis_stg.yml"

This is equivalent to including the text content as-is within the YAML configuration data.

session_cache: type: redis cfg: redis_stg server_connections: - name: redis_stg type: redis deployment: model: standalone hosts: - hostname: hostport: 6390 credential: username: password: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX18rz1DFhOzHmrG5GKCRQJsEMmTcN/5VxSA="

Example Base 64 Data

For some types of data, it is not practical to store these as text within the configuration YAML and in some scenarios it is useful to be able to embed all data within a single configuration YAML document. In these cases, the values can be base 64 encoded and embedded as values within the configuration YAML.

The following example shows how a transformation rule can be embedded in the configuration YAML as base 64 encoded data.

First, generate the base 64 representation of the file. On UNIX-like systems this can be achieved with the base64

$ base64 -w 0 -i default_policy.js aW1wb3J0Q2xhc3MoUGFja2FnZXMuY29tLnRpdm9s...

In the IVIAOP configuration YAML, this can be placed on a single line preceded by the B64: prefix.

rules: access_policy: - name: default_policy content: "B64:aW1wb3J0Q2xhc3MoUGFja2FnZXMuY29tLnRpdm9s..."

This is equivalent to including the text content as-is within the YAML configuration data.

rules: access_policy: - name: default_policy content: | importClass(; IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("Username: " + context.getUser().getUsername()); IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("Nonce: " + context.getRequest().getParameter("nonce")); IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("Response type: " + context.getProtocolContext().getAuthenticationRequest().getAuthenticationContext().getScope()); IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("DefinitionName: " + context.getProtocolContext().getDefinitionName()); IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("ClientName: " + context.getProtocolContext().getClientName()); ...

Example Obfuscated (Encrypted with Shared Secret) String

Configuration data can also be provided as encrypted entries which are obfuscated using a shared secret/password. The shared secret is provided in the secrets section of the YAML and will be used to decrypt all OBF: prefixed entries found within the configuration YAML.

The following example shows the data p@ssw0rd being encrypted with the shared secret abcdef:

$ echo -n "p@ssw0rd" | openssl enc -aes256 \ -pbkdf2 -pass pass:"abcdef" -md sha512 \ -base64

Note that OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer is required for the above command.

This command will produce a base 64 string similar to U2FsdGVkX1+0aFOU6f+0y7k6H6slVT0L7ztjRaHL7Sc=. Note that due to salting, you should expect that this command will produce a different encrypted representation of the input data each time it is executed.

The resulting encrypted base 64 string can be provided to IVIAOP using the OBF: prefix:

runtime_db: db2srv server_connections: - name: db2srv type: db2 database_name: isvaop hosts: - hostname: hostport: 50001 credential: username: db2inst1 password: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX1+0aFOU6f+0y7k6H6slVT0L7ztjRaHL7Sc="

Example Encrypted (Encrypted with RSA) String

Configuration data can also be provided as RSA encrypted entries. The private key required to decrypt the entry is provided in the secrets section of the YAML and will be used to decrypt all ENC: prefixed entries found within the configuration YAML.

To use RSA encryption, generate a private certificate:

$ openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048

This private certificate will be used to decrypt the entries and must be provided in the configuration YAML. To create encrypted entries, generate a corresponding public key which will be used for the encryption operations:

$ openssl rsa -pubout -in private.pem -out public.pem

The following example shows the data p@ssw0rd being encrypted with the public key public.pem and base64 encoded:

$ echo -n "p@ssw0rd" | openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey public.pem -pubin | base64

This command will produce a base 64 encoded string. The encrypted base 64 encoded string can be provided to IVIAOP using the ENC: prefix:

runtime_db: db2srv server_connections: - name: db2srv type: db2 database_name: isvaop hosts: - hostname: hostport: 50001 credential: username: db2inst1 password: "ENC:L2qQGwwPFqLzUK3..."

Example Kubernetes ConfigMap

The Kubernetes ConfigMap type can be used to directly reference a field from a particular ConfigMap within the IVIAOP configuration YAML. During bootstrapping, the IVIAOP container will use the Kubernetes REST API endpoints to retrieve the ConfigMap and substitute the value into the configuration YAML.

Consider the following ConfigMap named access-policy containing the fields default_policy_name, default_policy_type and default_policy.js:

kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: access-policy namespace: isvaop data: default_policy.js: > importClass(; IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("Username: " + context.getUser().getUsername()); ... default_policy_name: default_policy default_policy_type: javascript

To reference these values within the configuration YAML, use the syntax for the Kubernetes ConfigMap type:

rules: access_policy: - name: "configmap:access-policy/default_policy_name" type: "configmap:access-policy/default_policy_type" content: "configmap:access-policy/default_policy.js"

During bootstrapping, IVIAOP will retrieve the ConfigMap and substitute it into the configuration YAML:

rules: access_policy: - name: default_policy type: javascript content: | importClass(; IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("Username: " + context.getUser().getUsername()); ...

Example Kubernetes Secret

The Kubernetes Secret type can be used to directly reference a field from a particular secret within the IVIAOP configuration YAML. During bootstrapping, the IVIAOP container will use the Kubernetes REST API endpoints to retrieve the secret and substitute the secret value into the configuration YAML.

Consider the following secret named storage containing the
fields db2srv_dbname, db2srv_hostname, db2srv_hostport, db2srv_username, and db2srv_password:

kind: Secret apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: storage namespace: isvaop data: db2srv_dbname: aXN2YW9w db2srv_hostname: ZGIyc3J2LmlzdmFvcC5jb20= db2srv_hostport: NTAwMDE= db2srv_username: ZGIyaW5zdDE= db2srv_password: YWRtaW4= type: Opaque

To reference these values within the configuration YAML, use the syntax for the Kubernetes Secret type:

runtime_db: db2srv server_connections: - name: db2srv type: db2 database_name: secret:storage/db2srv_dbname hosts: - hostname: secret:storage/db2srv_hostname hostport: secret:storage/db2srv_hostport credential: username: secret:storage/db2srv_username password: secret:storage/db2srv_password

During bootstrapping, IVIAOP will retrieve the secret, base64 decode the data and substitute it into the configuration

runtime_db: db2srv server_connections: - name: db2srv type: db2 database_name: isvaop hosts: - hostname: hostport: 50001 credential: username: db2inst1 password: admin

Effective configuration

With the configuration split across multiple documents, we have introduced an environemnt variable to retrieve the effective configuration that will be used by the IVIAOP container. The effective configuration is essentially one YAML document with all the configuration combined together.

To enable accessing the YAML document set DEBUG_SAVE_EFFECTIVE_CONFIG_AS_FILE to true.

Once the contianer restarts, it will log the location of the YAML document. You can then use a terminal to access the effective config.

Example log

[03/23/2023 03:41:07.021 UTC] (internal.config.saveEffectiveConfigAsFile) I [CORR_ID-870f0857-66a0-42c0-be69-7e9f3e4ea324] "Environment variable DEBUG_SAVE_EFFECTIVE_CONFIG_AS_FILE is set to 'true', save effective configurations to file '/isvaop/config/7751bb5e-0090-40ae-b743-838c23b7444c/EffectiveConfig.yml'"



The effective configuration document may contain sensitive information, we recommend that DEBUG_SAVE_EFFECTIVE_CONFIG_AS_FILE is set to true only in
staging environment.

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