YAML Configuration Guide
Schema Docs
Description: Yaml Configuration Guide.
To get started with authoring ISVAOP configuration YAML, refer to the Configuration.
# Full YAML based configuration example
require_mtls true
client_auth_trust_store ks truststore
type zip
level debug
name OIDC Definition
mtls_certificate_header_name X-Client-Certificate
consent_prompt NEVER_PROMPT
signing_alg RS256
signing_keystore rt_profile
signing_keylabel rsa256
notifyuser_mappingrule_id notifyuser
checkstatus_mappingrule_id checkstatus
name display_name # 1
age age # 2
signing_keystore rt_profile
encryption_keystore rt_profile
endpoint -
callback_param_name Target
recipe Default
mappingrule_id dcr
jwks_uri -
runtime_db mydb2
type redis
cfg myredis
name mydb2
type db2
database_name secret storage/mydb2_dbname
hostname secret storage/mydb2_hostname1
hostport secret storage/mydb2_hostport1
username secret storage/mydb2_username
password secret storage/mydb2_password
name ldap_test
type ldap
hostname pentest-isva-openldap
bind_password passw0rd
name display_name
type value
value anonymous
name age
type credential
name website
type ldap
value website
scope subtree
filter (objectclass=*)
selector nickname,gender,sn
srv_conn ldap
baseDN dc=iswga
name ldap_test_cfg_01
scope subtree
user_object_classes top,Person,organizationalPerson,inetOrgPerson
filter (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User))
selector objectClass,cn,sn,givenName,userPassword
srv_conn ldap_test
attribute uid
baseDN dc=ibm,dc=com
name default_policy
type javascript
name isvaop_pretoken
name isvaop_posttoken
name attrUtil
name checkstatus
name dcr
name extCache
name httpClient
name jwt
name ldapClient
name library
name notifyuser
name oauthUtil
name ropc
client_id client01
client_secret secret
client_name Client Test
code id_token
code token id_token
code token
code token id_token
token_endpoint_auth_method client_secret_post # tls_client_auth # client_secret_post
token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg RS384
tls_client_auth_subject_dn CN=oidc-dev-test.ite1.idng.ibmcloudsecurity.com,OU=,O=,L=,ST=,C=
id_token_signed_response_alg PS512
jwks_uri https //oidc-dev-test.ite1.idng.ibmcloudsecurity.com/oidc/endpoint/default/jwks
request_object_signing_alg ES256
backchannel_token_delivery_mode poll
backchannel_client_notification_endpoint https //notifyme.com
client_id client01dpop
client_secret secret
client_name Client Test
code id_token
code token id_token
code token
code token id_token
token_endpoint_auth_method client_secret_post # tls_client_auth # client_secret_post
id_token_signed_response_alg PS512
jwks_uri https //oidc-dev-test.ite1.idng.ibmcloudsecurity.com/oidc/endpoint/default/jwks
dpop_signing_alg PS256
client_id client02
client_secret secret
client_name Client Test
code id_token
code id_token token
code token
token_endpoint_auth_method tls_client_auth
token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg RS384
tls_client_auth_subject_dn CN=clientID01,OU=security,O=IBM,L=singapore,ST=singapore,C=SG
id_token_signed_response_alg PS512
jwks_uri https //oidc-dev-test.ite1.idng.ibmcloudsecurity.com/oidc/endpoint/default/jwks
request_object_signing_alg PS256
email joe@ibm.com
companyName IBM
encryptDB rt_encrypt
encryptKey rsa
name db2client
type p12
name test
type p12
name postgres
type p12
name redis
type p12
name rt_profile
type zip
name rt_profile_dup01
type zip
name rt_profile_keys
type pem
label httpservercert
label ldap
label ldap_gh
label localLDAP
label rel-verify-ibmcloudsecurity-com-chain
label httpserverkey
name truststore
type pem
label mtlsclientcert
1. [Optional] Property root > version
Type string
Default 22.12
Defined in yaml_provider.yml#/definitions/version Description: The IBM Security Verify Access OIDC Provider (ISVAOP) configuration version. If
is not specified, the default value22.12
will be used.
2. [Required] Property root > definition
Description: Definition
Read more about Definition.
definition id 1 # Definition ID name OIDC Definition # Definition Name grant_types# Supported grant types. authorization_code implicit password client_credentials refresh_token urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange access_policy_id 1 # Access Policy Rule ID. pre_mappingrule_id isvaop_pretoken # Pre-Token mapping rule ID. post_mappingrule_id isvaop_posttoken # Post-Token mapping rule ID. ropc_mappingrule_id ropc # ROPC mapping rule ID. base_url https //isvaop.ibm.com 445 # Base url of the endpoints. mtls_base_url https //isvaop.ibm.com 445 # Base url of the MTLS endpoints. mtls_certificate_header_name x-client-certificate # HTTP header name that contains MTLS certificate. features# Features Flags enable_fault_tolerance false # Enable multiple refresh token for fault tolerance. consent_prompt ALWAYS_PROMPT # Prompt for consent. ALWAYS_PROMPT, NEVER_PROMPT, PROMPT_ONCE_AND_REMEMBER fapi_compliant false # Whether to enforce all the FAPI checks. enforce_par false # Only accept authorize request using push authorize. prefer_claims_at_userinfo true # This is introduced to address this requirement (https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#rfc.section.5.4). When it is set to true and an OAuth/OIDC flow generates access token, instead of returning the requested claims in the id_token, the claims are returned only at /userinfo endpoint; unless such claims are essential to be returned in id_token. token_settings# Token Settings issuer https //isvaop.ibm.com # OP's issuer URI. signing_alg PS512 # Signing algorithm for ID token generated. signing_keystore rt_profile_keys # Signing keystore name. signing_keylabel rsa256 # Signing key label. encryption_alg none # Key encryption algorithm for ID token generated. encryption_enc none # Content encryption algorithm for ID token generated. authorization_code_lifetime 300 # Lifetime of authorization code. access_token_lifetime 7200 # Lifetime of access token. id_token_lifetime 3600 # Lifetime of id_token. refresh_token_lifetime 64800 # Lifetime of refresh token. backchannel_settings# Backchannel Settings default_expiry 900 # The default CIBA session lifetime in seconds. If not specified, it is set to 900 seconds. maximum_expiry 1800 # Maximum CIBA session lifetime in seconds. If not specified, it is set to 1800 seconds. polling_interval 5 # Polling interval value that will be communicated to the relying party. Default is 5 seconds. notifyuser_mappingrule_id notifyuser # Mapping rule ID that will be executed when notifying the user. Default is `notifyuser`. checkstatus_mappingrule_id checkstatus # Mapping rule ID that will be executed when checking authentication status. Default is `checkstatus`. user_code_support false # Whether this CIBA implementation supports user_code. This information will be published in `.well-known` endpoint. attribute_map# Attribute mapping to resolve claims. also refer to attributesources.yml name display_name age age metadata# name-value pair to override metadata information claims_supported iss name displayName dpop_max_lifetime 3600 # Lifetime of DPoP proof JWT. request_object lifetime 3600 # Lifetime of the incoming JWT-Secured Authorization Request. require_expiry true # Boolean flag to check if the JWT-Secured Authorization Request contains a exp claim. only_request_object_params false # Boolean flag to enforce the JWT-Secured Authorization Request to contain all the request parameters. enforce_single_usage false # Boolean flag to enforce single use of a JWT-Secured Authorization Request.2.1. [Optional] Property root > definition > id
Type string
Description: Definition ID.Required for DCR flows.
2.2. [Optional] Property root > definition > name
Type string
Description: Definition Name. Required for DCR flows.
2.3. [Required] Property root > definition > grant_types
Type array of string
Description: Supported grant types.
Each item of this array must be Description grant_types items -
Type string
2.4. [Optional] Property root > definition > access_policy_id
Type string
Description: Access Policy Rule ID.
2.5. [Optional] Property root > definition > pre_mappingrule_id
Type string
Description: Pre-Token mapping rule ID.
2.6. [Optional] Property root > definition > post_mappingrule_id
Type string
Description: Post-Token mapping rule ID.
2.7. [Optional] Property root > definition > ropc_mappingrule_id
Type string
Description: ROPC-mapping rule ID.
2.8. [Required] Property root > definition > base_url
Type string
Description: Base url of the endpoints. Example:
2.9. [Optional] Property root > definition > mtls_base_url
Type string
Description: Base url of the MTLS endpoints. Example:
2.10. [Optional] Property root > definition > mtls_certificate_header_name
Type string
Default "X-Client-Certificate"
Description: JWT header name that contains MTLS certificate. Example:
2.11. [Required] Property root > definition > token_settings
Description: Token Settings
Read more about Token Settings.
2.11.1. [Required] Property root > definition > token_settings > issuer
Type string
Description: OP's issuer URI.
2.11.2. [Required] Property root > definition > token_settings > signing_alg
Type string
Description: Signing algorithm for ID token generated.
2.11.3. [Required] Property root > definition > token_settings > signing_keystore
Type string
Description: Signing keystore name.
is the keystore name WITHOUTks:
annotation.2.11.4. [Required] Property root > definition > token_settings > signing_keylabel
Type string
Description: Signing key label.
isthe key label name WITHOUTks:
annotation.2.11.5. [Required] Property root > definition > token_settings > encryption_alg
Type string
Description: Key encryption algorithm for ID token generated.
2.11.6. [Required] Property root > definition > token_settings > encryption_enc
Type string
Description: Content encryption algorithm for ID token generated.
2.11.7. [Optional] Property root > definition > token_settings > authorization_code_lifetime
Type number
Default 300
Description: Lifetime of authorization code in seconds.
2.11.8. [Optional] Property root > definition > token_settings > access_token_lifetime
Type number
Default 7200
Description: Lifetime of access token in seconds.
2.12. [Optional] Property root > definition > features
Description: Feature Flags
Read more about Features Flags.
2.12.1. [Optional] Property root > definition > features > consent_prompt
Type enum (of string)
Description: Prompt for consent vs auto-consent.
Must be one of:
2.12.2. [Optional] Property root > definition > features > enforce_par
Type boolean
Default false
Description: Accept only authorized request using push authorize.
2.12.3. [Optional] Property root > definition > features > prefer_claims_at_userinfo
Type boolean
Default false
Description: This is introduced to address this requirement (https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#rfc.section.5.4). When it is set to true and an OAuth/OIDC flow generates access token, instead of returning the requested claims in the id_token, the claims are returned only at /userinfo endpoint; unless such claims are essential to be returned in id_token.
2.13. [Optional] Property root > definition > backchannel_settings
Description: These settings are related to Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA).
Read more about Backchannel Settings.
2.13.1. [Optional] Property root > definition > backchannel_settings > default_expiry
Type number
Default 900
Description: The default CIBA session lifetime in seconds.
2.13.2. [Optional] Property root > definition > backchannel_settings > maximum_expiry
Type number
Default 1800
Description: Maximum CIBA session lifetime in seconds.
2.13.3. [Optional] Property root > definition > backchannel_settings > polling_interval
Type number
Default 5
Description: Polling interval value that is communicated to the relying party in seconds.
2.13.4. [Optional] Property root > definition > backchannel_settings > notifyuser_mappingrule_id
Type string
Default "notifyuser"
Description: Mapping rule ID that is run when the user is notified.
2.14. [Optional] Property root > definition > attribute_map
Type map of string -> string
Description: Attribute mapping to resolve claims.
2.15. [Optional] Property root > definition > metadata
Type map of string -> any
Description: name-value pair to override metadata information
2.16. [Optional] Property root > definition > request_object
Description: These settings are related to JWT-Secured Authorization Request(JAR).
Read more about JWT Secured Authorization Request Settings.
2.16.1. [Optional] Property root > definition > request_object > lifetime
Type number
Description: The maximum lifetime of the incoming request-JWT in seconds.
2.16.2. [Optional] Property root > definition > request_object > require_expiry
Type boolean
Default false
Description: Boolean flag to check if the request-JWT contains a exp claim
3. [Required] Property root > jwks
Description: JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) Settings
Read more about JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) Settings.
jwks# JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) Settings signing_keystore signing_keystore # Keystore name containing keys related to JWT signing/signature validation. encryption_keystore encryption_keystore # Keystore name containing keys related to JWT encryption/decryption.
4. [Optional] Property root > authentication
Description: Authentication Settings
Read more about Authentication Settings.
authentication# Authentication Settings endpoint https //isvaop.ibm.com 445/isvaop/oauth2/auth # Endpoint to redirect when authentication is required. This is mandatory when `grant_types` contains `authorization_code` or `implicit` callback_param_name Target # Parameter name to specify the callback target URI. If it is not specified, the default callback param name is `Target`. subject_attribute_name uid # Name of the user or credential attribute that will be used to populate the `sub`. If it is not specified, the default attribute is `uid`.4.1. [Optional] Property root > authentication > endpoint
Type string
Default "https://isvaop.ibm.com:445/isvaop/oauth2/auth"
Description: Endpoint to redirect to when authentication is needed. This setting is mandatory when
(refer to Definition).
5. [Optional] Property root > template_macros
Description: Template Macros
Read more about template_macros.
template_macros user_macros name family_name given_name display_name request_macros authorization_details claims user_code state5.1. [Optional] Property root > template_macros > user_macros
Type array of string
Description: List of authenticated user claims to be made available.
Each item of this array must be Description user_macros items -
Type string
5.2. [Optional] Property root > template_macros > request_macros
Type array of string
Description: List of request parameters to be made available.
Each item of this array must be Description request_macros items -
Type string
6. [Optional] Property root > ssl
Description: SSL Setting
Read more about SSL Settings.
ssl certificate ks:https_keys # The default SSL keystore to be used for SSL connections. It is used when SSL keystore is not specified in server connection SSL settings. disable_hostname_verification true # The default flag to enable or disable hostname verification for SSL connections. It is used when SSL disable_hostname_verification is not specified in server connection SSL settings.6.1. [Optional] Property root > ssl > certificate
Type array of string
Description: The list of default SSL keystore to be used for all SSL connections. It is used when SSL keystore is not specified in server connection SSL settings.
Each item of this array must be Description certificate items -
Type string
7. [Required] Property root > server
Description: Server Settings
Read more about Server Settings.
server ssl key ks https_keys/httpserverkey # Name of the keystore/key for the ISVAOP HTTPS server. certificate ks https_keys/httpservercert # Name of the keystore/certificate for the ISVAOP HTTPS server. ca ks:https_keys/httpserverca # Name of the keystore/CA for the ISVAOP HTTPS server. pages type zip # path is also supported, which indicates it is unpacked content"B64:<encoded_binary>"7.1. [Required] Property root > server > ssl
Description: HTTPS server SSL settings
Read more about key management here.
7.1.1. [Required] Property root > server > ssl > key
Type string
Description: Name of the keystore/key for the ISVAOP HTTPS server.
7.1.2. [Required] Property root > server > ssl > certificate
Type string
Description: Name of the keystore/certificate for the ISVAOP HTTPS server.
7.1.3. [Optional] Property root > server > ssl > ca
Type array of string
Description: Array of CA certificates
Each item of this array must be Description ca items -
Type string
7.2. [Optional] Property root > server > pages
Description: Customized template pages settings
7.2.1. [Required] Property root > server > pages > type
Type enum (of string)
Description: When customized template pages is provided, it is the type of content that is being supplied. Either a zip file or a directory name.
Must be one of:
- "path"
- "zip"
7.2.2. [Required] Property root > server > pages > content
Type string
Description: The content that is used for the customized template pages.
- When the
, specify the path of the customized template pages directory, which is relative to the/var/isvaop/config
directory of the container.- when
- use
annotation to specify the customized template pages zip file path, which is relative to the/var/isvaop/config
directory of the container.- or use
annotation to specify the base64 encoded customized template pages zip file.
8. [Optional] Property root > javascript
Description: JavaScript Settings
Read more about JavaScript Settings.
javascript# Javascript Settings timeout 0 # Maximum execution time for a script in ms. Set to 0 for unlimited execution time. max_load 16 # Maximum number of v8 engine spawned. max_ctx_in_isolate 50 # Maximum reuse of v8 engine before recreated. Set to 0 to disable. use_pool false # If true, run in `pool` mode, otherwise run in `worker` mode.8.1. [Optional] Property root > javascript > use_pool
Type boolean
Default false
Description: If true, run in
mode, otherwise run inworker
mode.8.2. [Optional] Property root > javascript > max_load
Type number
Default 16
Description: Maximum number of v8 engine created.
9. [Optional] Property root > janitor
Description: In ISVAOP, we use a binary janitor to perform cleanup of data. Read more about Database cleanup
janitor# Janitor Settings batch_size 1000 # It is the maximum records being cleaned up with each iteration. max_duration 0 # When the max_duration is set to 0, the janitor program runs until all records are cleaned up. check_frequency 10 # It indicates the number of iterations to be run before the janitor check whether the maximum duration is exceeded.9.1. [Optional] Property root > janitor > batch_size
Type number
Default 1000
Description: It is the maximum records being cleaned up with each iteration.
9.2. [Optional] Property root > janitor > max_duration
Type number
Default 0
Description: When the max_duration is set to 0, the janitor program runs until all records are cleaned up. Depending on how often you run the janitor, the number of records can be large. The maximum duration needs to be specified in milliseconds.
10. [Optional] Property root > logging
Description: Logging Settings
Read more about Logging Settings.
logging# Logging Settings level finest # Logging level setting. If the level is not set or invalid, `info` will be used. `panic`, `fatal`, `error`, `warn`, `warning` (alias of `warn`), `info`, `debug`, `fine`(alias of `debug`), `trace`, `finest` (alias of `trace`)10.1. [Optional] Property root > logging > level
Type enum (of string)
Default "info"
Description: Logging level setting. If the level is not set or invalid,
is used.
is alias ofwarn
is alias ofdebug
is alias oftrace
Must be one of:
- "panic"
- "fatal"
- "error"
- "warn"
- "warning"
- "info"
- "debug"
- "fine"
- "trace"
- "finest"
11. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration
Description: Dynamic Client Profile
Read more about Dynamic Client Profile.
dynamic_registration recipe FAPI_UK-OB # Security profile to use, option Default, FAPI_DEFAULT, FAPI_UK-OB, FAPI_AU-CDR mappingrule_id dcr # Dynamic registration mapping rule ID. software_statement_validation# Software statement validation settings. jwks_uri http // 3000/jwks/obdirectory # Jwks URI containing the public key required to validate the software statement signature. signing_algs# Accepted signing algorithms. ES256 registration_endpoint_authentication# Authentication settings for POST operation. require_mtls true # Specifies whether the endpoint requires MTLS. require_bearer_token true # Specifies whether the endpoint requires bearer token. require_software_statement false # Specifies whether the endpoint requires software statement. allow_custom_client_creds true # Only for POST. Specifies whether to accept client_id/client_secret in the POST payload. management_endpoint_authentication# Authentication settings for PUT/GET/DELETE operations. require_mtls false # Specifies whether the endpoint requires MTLS. require_bearer_token true # Specifies whether the endpoint requires bearer token. require_software_statement false # Specifies whether the endpoint requires software statement. This is only applicable for PUT operation. registration_access_token# Registration access token settings. generate true # Specifies whether to produce registration access token as part of POST/PUT/GET operations. lifetime 86400 # Specifies the lifetime of the registration access token. scopes# Specify the scopes required by the access token. All scopes specified here are mandatory. Unauthorized if any scope is not present in the access token. cdr:registration11.1. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > recipe
Type enum (of string)
Default "Default"
Description: Security profile to be used, option Default, FAPI_DEFAULT, FAPI_UK-OB, FAPI_AU-CDR
Must be one of:
- "Default"
11.2. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > mappingrule_id
Type string
Description: Dynamic registration-mapping rule ID.
11.3. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > software_statement_validation
Description: Software Statement Validation
Read more about Software Statement Validation.
11.3.1. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > software_statement_validation > jwks_uri
Type string
Description: JWKS URI containing the public key that is needed to validate the software statement signature.
11.3.2. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > software_statement_validation > signing_algs
Type array of string
Description: Accepted signing algorithms
Each item of this array must be Description signing_algs items - root > dynamic_registration > software_statement_validation > signing_algs > signing_algs items
Type string
11.4. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > registration_endpoint_authentication
Description: Registration Endpoint Authentication
Read more about Registration Endpoint Authentication.
11.4.1. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > registration_endpoint_authentication > require_mtls
Type boolean
Default false
Description: Specifies whether the endpoint requires MTLS.
11.4.2. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > registration_endpoint_authentication > require_bearer_token
Type boolean
Default false
Description: Specifies whether the endpoint requires bearer token.
11.5. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > management_endpoint_authentication
Description: Management Endpoint Authentication
Read more about Management Endpoint Authentication.
11.5.1. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > management_endpoint_authentication > require_mtls
Type boolean
Default false
Description: Specifies whether the endpoint requires MTLS.
11.6. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > registration_access_token
Description: Registration Access Token
Read more about Registration Access Token.
11.6.1. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > registration_access_token > generate
Type boolean
Description: Specifies whether to produce registration access token as part of POST/PUT/GET operations.
11.6.2. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > registration_access_token > lifetime
Type number
Description: Specifies the lifetime of the registration access token.
11.6.3. [Optional] Property root > dynamic_registration > registration_access_token > scopes
Type array of string
Description: Specify the access token scopes. All scopes specified here are mandatory. Unauthorized if any scope is not present in the access token.
Each item of this array must be Description scopes items -
Type string
12. [Optional] Property root > secrets
Description: Secrets
Read more about Secrets.
secrets obf_key"<obfuscation key>" enc_key"@private.pem"
13. [Required] Property root > runtime_db
Type string
Defined in yaml_storage.yml#/definitions/runtime_db Description: Runtime Database Configuration
Read more about Runtime Database Configuration.
14. [Required] Property root > session_cache
Description: Session Cache Configuration
Read more about Session Cache Configuration.
14.1. [Required] Property root > session_cache > type
Type enum (of string)
Description: Specifies the type of session cache,
, ordb
.Must be one of:
- "in-memory"
- "redis"
- "db"
14.2. [Optional] Property root > session_cache > life_time
Type number
Default 600
Description: For
session cache type, specifies the session entry duration in seconds.
15. [Required] Property root > server_connections
Type array of object
Defined in yaml_storage.yml#/definitions/server_connections Description: Specifies a list of server connection configurations.
Read more about Storage Configuration.
Each item of this array must be Description server_connections items Specifies the server connection configuration details. ...
Description: Specifies the server connection configuration details.
Server connection can be categorized into
. Refer to each server connection category for details.15.1.1. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database)
Description: Runtime Database Server Connection
Read more about Runtime Database Server Connection.
# PostgreSQL Runtime Database configuration sample runtime_db mypq # Configuration of runtime database. Points to the database server connection. session_cache type db # Specifies the type of session cache, in-memory, redis, or db. # cfg: redis-standalone # Specifies the configuration of the `redis` cache, for `redis` type only. Points to `redis` server connection # life_time: 600 # Specifies the session entry duration in seconds. It applies to `in-memory` type sessions only. Default is `600` # max_entries: 60000 # Specifies the maximum number of session entries. It applies to `in-memory` type sessions only. Default is `60000` server_connections# Server connections name mypq # Connection name type postgresql # Connection type, `redis`, `ldap`, `postgresql`, `oracle` database_name verify-access # Specifies the database or service name. For database types only. hosts# List of host information (IP and port) hostname postgresql # Server's hostname hostport 5432 # Server's host port credential# Credential information to connect to the server username postgres # Specifies the username to access the server. password'OBF:gJDSuqEFmORCR2Uw3FsAmFKomjYLmhMwdDG2XoUxtQ0=' # Specifies the password to access the server. It is recommended to obfuscate this. ssl certificate# The SSL connection certificate array. ks:postgres_keys # The SSL keystore to be used for SSL connections. ks: indicates keystore. mutual_auth key ks rt_profile_keys/postgres # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label that contains the client's private key. certificate ks rt_profile_keys/postgres # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label of the client's leaf certificate. ca ks:rt_profile_keys/ca # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label of the client's CA certificate. disable_hostname_verification false # The SSL connection validates the hostname. conn_settings# Connection settings max_idle_time 10 # Maximum idle time in seconds min_pool_size 5 # Minimum connection pool size max_pool_size 50 # Maximum connection pool size connect_timeout 5 # Connect timeout, in seconds aged_timeout 30 # Aged timeout, in seconds
# Oracle Runtime Database configuration sample runtime_db myoracle # Configuration of runtime database. Points to the database server connection. session_cache type db # Specifies the type of session cache, in-memory, redis, or db. server_connections# Server connections name myoracle # Connection name type oracle # Connection type, `redis`, `ldap`, `postgresql`, `oracle` database_name verify-access # Specifies the database or service name. For database types only. hosts# List of host information (IP and port) hostname myoracle # Server's hostname hostport 2484 # Server's host port credential# Credential information to connect to the server username SYSTEM # Specifies the username to access the server. password'OBF:gJDSuqEFmORCR2Uw3FsAmFKomjYLmhMwdDG2XoUxtQ0=' # Specifies the password to access the server. It is recommended to obfuscate this. ssl wallet# For Oracle database only. Oracle database uses client wallet for SSL connection and mutual TLS. The client wallet contains the certificates that are required for Oracle SSL connection and mutual TLS. type path # The type of content that is being supplied, either a zip file or a directory name. content oracle/wallet # The content that is used for the wallet. When the type is path, specify the path of the wallet. # type: zip # The content is used for the wallet. When the type is zip, the content can be specified by using either @ or B64: annotation. # content: "@oracle/wallet.zip" # when type is zip, use @ annotation to specify the wallet zip file path. # content: "B64:UEsDBBQACAAIAAJg......+ScAAAAA" # when type is zip, use B64: annotation to specify the base64 encoded wallet zip file. disable_hostname_verification false # The SSL connection validates the hostname. conn_settings# Connection settings max_idle_time 10 # Maximum idle time in seconds aged_timeout 30 # Aged timeout, in seconds max_idle_size 5 # Maximum connection idle size max_pool_size 50 # Maximum connection pool size connect_timeout 5 # Connect timeout, in seconds
# Db2 Runtime Database configuration sample runtime_db mydb2 # Configuration of runtime database. Points to the database server connection. session_cache type db # Specifies the type of session cache, in-memory, redis, or db. server_connections# Server connections name mydb2 # Connection name type db2 # Connection type, `redis`, `ldap`, `postgresql`, `oracle`, `db2` database_name verify-access # Specifies the database or service name. For database types only. hosts# List of host information (IP and port) hostname mydb2 # Server's hostname hostport 50001 # Server's host port credential# Credential information to connect to the server username db2inst1 # Specifies the username to access the server. password'OBF:gJDSuqEFmORCR2Uw3FsAmFKomjYLmhMwdDG2XoUxtQ0=' # Specifies the password to access the server. It is recommended to obfuscate this. ssl certificate# The SSL connection certificate for Db2. The Db2 SSL connection certificate must use 'ks', '@' annotation to specify the keystore in P12 format, PEM file or 'B64'annotation to specify the base64 encoded PEM file. If multiple certificates are configured, the first certificate that is specified with '@' or 'B64:' annotation is used. '@keystore/rt_profile_keys/signer/ca.pem' # '@' annotation to specify the certificate PEM file. # - 'b64:LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBD......tLQo=' # 'B64'annotation to specify the base64 encoded certificate PEM. # - 'ks:db2client' # 'ks'annotation to specify keystore in P12 format. disable_hostname_verification false # The SSL connection validates the hostname. conn_settings# Connection settings max_idle_time 10 # Maximum idle time in seconds aged_timeout 30 # Aged timeout, in seconds max_idle_size 5 # Maximum connection idle size max_pool_size 50 # Maximum connection pool size connect_timeout 5 # Connect timeout, in seconds15.1.1.1. [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > name
Type string
Description: Connection name. [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > type
Type enum (of string)
Description: Connection type.
The IBM Security Verify Access OIDC Provider (ISVAOP) supports
databases.Must be one of:
- "postgresql"
- "oracle"
- "db2" [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > database_name
Type string
Description: Specifies the database or service name. For database types only. [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > hosts
Type array
Description: List of host information (IP and port)
Each item of this array must be Description hosts items - root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > hosts > hosts items15.1.1.5. [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > credential
Description: Credential information to connect to the Runtime Database server [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > ssl
Description: SSL settings, if missing the connection is non SSL. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > ssl > certificate
Type array of string
Description: The array of SSL certificates to be used for SSL connection to the database.
Each item of this array must be Description certificate items - root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > ssl > certificate > certificate items
Type string [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > ssl > mutual_auth [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > ssl > mutual_auth > key
Type string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label that contains the client's private key. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > ssl > mutual_auth > certificate
Type string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore of the client's leaf certificate. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > ssl > mutual_auth > ca
Type array of string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify an array of CA certificates needed for the connection.
Each item of this array must be Description ca items - root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > ssl > mutual_auth > ca > ca items
Type string [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > ssl > mutual_auth > wallet
Description: For Oracle database only. Oracle database uses client wallet for SSL connection and mutual TLS. The client wallet contains the certificates that are required for Oracle SSL connection and mutual TLS.
Oracle Wallet OverviewOracle Wallet is configuration files that store authentication and signing credentials.
Trusted certificates are stored in the Oracle Wallet when the wallet is used for security credentials.
ISVA OP requires an Oracle client wallet for SSL connection and mutual TLS. Thecwallet.sso
file must present.
See the Oracle Documentation to create or manage an Oracle wallet.
- Go to the Oracle Database Documentation page in Oracle Help Center.
- Select your version of Oracle Database.
- In the Topics section, select Security.
- In the Centralized User Management section, select Oracle Database Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide.
- See the chapter
Using Oracle Wallet Manager
.Or click the following direct links.
- Oracle Database 12c Release 1: Using Oracle Wallet Manager
- Oracle Database 12c Release 2: Using Oracle Wallet Manager
- Oracle Database 19c: Using Oracle Wallet Manager [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > ssl > mutual_auth > wallet > type
Type enum (of string)
Description: When wallet is needed, it is the type of content that is being supplied. Either a zip file or a directory name.
Must be one of:
- "path"
- "zip" [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > ssl > mutual_auth > wallet > content
Type string
Description: The wallet content or path using corresponding annotation.
Refer to Special Types and Special Types Available in Kubernetes. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > conn_settings
Description: Connection pool settings. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > conn_settings > min_pool_size
Type number
Default 5
Description: Minimum connection pool size [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > conn_settings > max_idle_size
Type number
Default 10
Description: Maximum connection idle size [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > conn_settings > max_pool_size
Type number
Default 50
Description: Maximum connection pool size [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (database) > conn_settings > max_idle_time
Type number
Default 10
Description: Maximum idle time in seconds
15.1.2. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis)
Description: Session Cache Server Connection
Read more about Session Cache Server Connection.
runtime_db mypq # Configuration of runtime database. Points to the database server connection. session_cache type redis # Specifies the type of session cache, in-memory, redis, or db. cfg redis-standalone # Specifies the configuration of the `redis` cache, for `redis` type only. Points to `redis` server connection server_connections# Server connections name mypq # Connection name ... name ldap_staging # Connection name ... name redis-standalone # Connection name type redis # Connection type deployment# Redis deployment information. for `redis` type only model standalone # Deployment model. standalone or sentinel # master: master # Master node information. For `sentinel` model only hosts# List of host information (IP and port) hostname redis # Server's hostname hostport 6390 # Server's host port credential# Credential information to connect to the host. username isva # Specifies the username to access the server password'OBF:oUqHV/2VlAeWb1D7uAdfQysti3vh44p5/rpCDR35gn4=' # # Specifies the password for the redis server connection. It is recommended to obfuscate this. ssl certificate# The SSL connection certificate array. ks:redis_keys # The SSL keystore to be used for SSL connections. ks: indicates keystore. mutual_auth key ks rt_profile_keys/redis # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label that contains the client's private key. certificate ks rt_profile_keys/redis # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label of the client's leaf certificate. ca# The mutual_auth connection certificate array. ks:rt_profile_keys/ca # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label of the client's CA certificate. disable_hostname_verification false # The SSL connection validates the hostname. [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > name
Type string
Description: Connection name. [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > type
Type const
Description: Connection type
Specific value:
"redis" [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > deployment
Description: Redis deployment information [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > hosts
Type array
Description: List of host information (IP and port)
Each item of this array must be Description hosts items - root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > hosts > hosts items15.1.2.5. [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > credential
Description: Credential information to connect to the Redis Server. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > ssl
Description: SSL settings. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > ssl > certificate
Type array of string
Description: The array of SSL certificates to be used for SSL connection to the database.
Each item of this array must be Description certificate items - root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > ssl > certificate > certificate items
Type string [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > ssl > mutual_auth [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > ssl > mutual_auth > key
Type string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label that contains the client's private key. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > ssl > mutual_auth > certificate
Type string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore of the client's leaf certificate. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > ssl > mutual_auth > ca
Type array of string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify an array of CA certificates needed for the connection.
Each item of this array must be Description ca items - root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > ssl > mutual_auth > ca > ca items
Type string [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > conn_settings
Description: Connection pool settings. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > conn_settings > max_pool_size
Type number
Default 50
Description: Maximum connection pool size. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > conn_settings > min_idle_size
Type number
Default 3
Description: Minimum connection idle size. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > conn_settings > aged_timeout
Type number
Default 10
Description: Age timeout, in seconds. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (redis) > conn_settings > connect_timeout
Type number
Default 5
Description: Connect timeout, in seconds.
15.1.3. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap)
Description: LDAP Server Connection
Read more about LDAP Server Connection.
runtime_db mypq # Configuration of runtime database. Points to the database server connection. session_cache type db # Specifies the type of session cache, in-memory, redis, or db. # cfg: redis-standalone # Specifies the configuration of the `redis` cache, for `redis` type only. Points to `redis` server connection # life_time: 600 # Specifies the session entry duration in seconds. It applies to `in-memory` type sessions only. Default is `600` # max_entries: 60000 # Specifies the maximum number of session entries. It applies to `in-memory` type sessions only. Default is `60000` server_connections# Server connections name mypq # Connection name ... name ldap_staging # Connection name type ldap # Connection type hosts# List of host information (IP and port) hostname openldap # Server's hostname hostport 636 # Server's host port credential# Credential information to connect to the host. bind_dn cn=root,secAuthority=Default # Specifies the binding credential for the LDAP server connection. bind_password'OBF:gJDSuqEFmORCR2Uw3FsAmFKomjYLmhMwdDG2XoUxtQ0=' # Specifies the binding password for the LDAP server connection. It is recommended to obfuscate this. ssl certificate# The SSL connection certificate array. ks:ldap_keys # The SSL keystore to be used for SSL connections. ks: indicates keystore. mutual_auth key ks rt_profile_keys/ldap # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label that contains the client's private key. certificate ks rt_profile_keys/ldap # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label of the client's leaf certificate. ca# The mutual_auth connection certificate array. ks:rt_profile_keys/ca # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label of the client's CA certificate. disable_hostname_verification false # The SSL connection validates the hostname. conn_settings# Connection pool settings for the LDAP server. It can be specified at the top level if the settings are common across hosts. max_pool_size 50 # Maximum connection pool size. connect_timeout 3 # Connect timeout, in seconds. aged_timeout 5 # Aged timeout, in seconds. [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > name
Type string
Description: Connection name. [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > type
Type const
Description: Connection type
Specific value:
"ldap" [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts
Type array
Description: List of host information (IP and port)
Each item of this array must be Description hosts items - root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items15. [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > hostname
Type string
Description: LDAP Server's hostname [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > hostport
Type number
Description: LDAP Server's host port [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > credential
Description: Credential information to connect to the LDAP server. It can be specified at the top level if the settings are common across hosts. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > ssl
Description: SSL settings for the server. It can be specified at the top level if the settings are common across hosts. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > ssl > certificate
Type array of string
Description: The array of SSL certificates to be used for SSL connection to the database.
Each item of this array must be Description certificate items - root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > ssl > certificate > certificate items
Type string [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > ssl > mutual_auth [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > ssl > mutual_auth > key
Type string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label that contains the client's private key. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > ssl > mutual_auth > certificate
Type string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore of the client's leaf certificate. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > ssl > mutual_auth > ca
Type array of string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify an array of CA certificates needed for the connection.
Each item of this array must be Description ca items - root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > ssl > mutual_auth > ca > ca items
Type string [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > conn_settings
Description: Connection pool settings for the LDAP server. It can be specified at the top level if the settings are common across hosts. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > hosts > hosts items > conn_settings > max_pool_size
Type number
Default 50
Description: Maximum connection pool size. [Required] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > credential
Description: Credential information to connect to the LDAP server [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > ssl
Description: SSL settings. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > ssl > certificate
Type array of string
Description: The array of SSL certificates to be used for SSL connection to the database.
Each item of this array must be Description certificate items - root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > ssl > certificate > certificate items
Type string [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > ssl > mutual_auth [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > ssl > mutual_auth > key
Type string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label that contains the client's private key. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > ssl > mutual_auth > certificate
Type string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore of the client's leaf certificate. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > ssl > mutual_auth > ca
Type array of string
Description: When mutual TLS is needed, specify an array of CA certificates needed for the connection.
Each item of this array must be Description ca items - root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > ssl > mutual_auth > ca > ca items
Type string [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > conn_settings
Description: Connection pool settings. [Optional] Property root > server_connections > server_connections items > server_connection (ldap) > conn_settings > max_pool_size
Type number
Default 50
Description: Maximum connection pool size.
16. [Optional] Property root > attribute_sources
Type array of object
Defined in yaml_attributesource.yml#/definitions/attribute_sources Description: Attribute Sources
Read more about Attribute Sources.
Each item of this array must be Description attribute_sources items Attribute source can be categorized into 'value', 'credential', and 'ldap'. Refer to each attribute source category for details.
Description: Attribute source can be categorized into
, andldap
. Refer to each attribute source category for details.16.1.1. [Optional] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (value) [Required] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (value) > id
Type string
Defined in #/$def/attribute_source/properties/id Description: Attribute source ID. [Required] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (value) > name
Type string
Defined in #/$def/attribute_source/properties/name Description: Attribute source name.
16.1.2. [Optional] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (credential) [Required] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (credential) > id
Type string
Defined in #/$def/attribute_source/properties/id Description: Attribute source ID. [Required] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (credential) > name
Type string
Defined in #/$def/attribute_source/properties/name Description: Attribute source name.
16.1.3. [Optional] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (ldap) [Required] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (ldap) > id
Type string
Defined in #/$def/attribute_source/properties/id Description: Attribute source ID. [Required] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (ldap) > name
Type string
Defined in #/$def/attribute_source/properties/name Description: Attribute source name. [Required] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (ldap) > type
Type const
Description: Attribute source type.
Specific value:
"ldap" [Required] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (ldap) > value
Type string
Description: Attribute source value. For
type, it refers to an LDAP attribute to be retrieved. [Required] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (ldap) > scope
Type enum (of string)
Description: Only applicable for attribute source of type
. LDAP search scope.Must be one of:
- "base"
- "one level"
- "subtree" [Required] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (ldap) > filter
Type string
Description: Only applicable for attribute source type
. LDAP search filter. It might contain macros as shown in the previous example. [Required] Property root > attribute_sources > attribute_sources items > attribute_source (ldap) > selector
Type string
Description: Only applicable for attribute source type
. LDAP selector that contains attributes that are retrieved together.Example:
attribute_sources id1 name display_name type value value anonymous id2 name age type credential value AZN_CRED_AGE id3 name surname type ldap value sn scope subtree filter (cn= AZN_CRED_PRINCIPAL_NAME ) selector nickname,gender,sn srv_conn ldap baseDN dc=ibm,dc=com
17. [Optional] Property root > ldapcfg
Type array of object
Defined in yaml_ldapcfg.yml#/definitions/ldapcfg Description: LDAP configuration used by
JavaScript Utility.
Each item of this array must be Description ldapcfg items LDAP Configuration ...
Description: LDAP Configuration
Read more about LDAP configuration.
17.1.1. [Required] Property root > ldapcfg > ldapcfg items > name
Type string
Description: The unique name of this ldap configuration. This name is used to initialize
.17.1.2. [Required] Property root > ldapcfg > ldapcfg items > filter
Type string
Description: Search filter for
17.1.3. [Required] Property root > ldapcfg > ldapcfg items > user_object_classes
Type string
Description: Comma-separated user object classes
17.1.4. [Required] Property root > ldapcfg > ldapcfg items > attribute
Type string
Description: Main Attribute to be retrieved
17.1.5. [Required] Property root > ldapcfg > ldapcfg items > selector
Type string
Description: Comma-separated attributes that are retrieved
17.1.6. [Required] Property root > ldapcfg > ldapcfg items > srv_conn
Type string
is the ldap server connection's name this ldap configuration applies to. The ldap server connection is defined instorage
configure -server_connections
ldapcfg name ldap_staging_config_01 user_object_classes top,Person,organizationalPerson,inetOrgPerson filter (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User)) selector objectClass,cn,sn,givenName,userPassword srv_conn ldap_staging attribute uid baseDN dc=ibm,dc=com
18. [Optional] Property root > clients
Type array of object
Defined in yaml_clients.yml#/definitions/clients Description: Clients
Read more about Clients.
Each item of this array must be Description clients items Client Configuration ...
Description: Client Configuration
Read more about Client Configuration.
18.1.1. [Required] Property root > clients > clients items > client_id
Type string
Description: Client identifier.
18.1.2. [Required] Property root > clients > clients items > client_secret
Type string
Description: Client secret that is used for client authentication, and JWT signing and encryption. It is recommended to be an obfuscated string. The obfuscation key is read from the provider configuration secrets stanza.
18.1.3. [Required] Property root > clients > clients items > client_name
Type string
Description: Name of the client.
18.1.4. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > client_id_issued_at
Type timestamp
Description: Timestamp (in seconds) from when the client is created.
18.1.5. [Required] Property root > clients > clients items > enabled
Type boolean
Description: Set to true to enable this client
18.1.6. [Required] Property root > clients > clients items > grant_types
Type string array
Description: Grant type that the client is allowed to use at the token endpoint.
18.1.7. [Required] Property root > clients > clients items > response_types
Type string array
Description: Response type that the client is allowed to use at the authorization endpoint.
18.1.8. [Required] Property root > clients > clients items > redirect_uris
Type string array
Description: Redirection URI strings for use in redirect-based flows such as the authorization code and implicit flows.
18.1.9. [Required] Property root > clients > clients items > request_uris
Type string array
Description: Request URIs that are pre-registered by the Relying Party for use at the OIDC Provider.
18.1.10. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > scopes
Type string array
Description: A list of scope values that the client can use when it requests access tokens.
18.1.11. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > jwks_uri
Type string
Description: URL string that references the client's JSON Web Key (JWK) set document that contains the client's public keys.
18.1.12. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > id_token_signed_response_alg
Type string
Description: JWS
algorithm for signing the ID Token that is issued to the Client. Optional. If present it shall be always the same as the token_settings.signing_alg value set in provider configure.18.1.13. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > id_token_encrypted_response_alg
Type string
Description: JWE
algorithm for encrypting the ID Token that is issued to the Client.18.1.14. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > id_token_encrypted_response_enc
Type string
Description: JWE
algorithm for encrypting the ID Token that is issued to the Client.18.1.15. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > userinfo_signed_response_alg
Type string
Description: JWS
algorithm for signing UserInfo Responses.18.1.16. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > userinfo_encrypted_response_alg
Type string
Description: JWE
algorithm for encrypting UserInfo Responses.18.1.17. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > userinfo_encrypted_response_enc
Type string
Description: JWE
algorithm for encrypting UserInfo Responses.18.1.18. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > request_object_signing_alg
Type string
Description: JWS
algorithm that must be used for signing Request Objects sent to the OIDC Provider.18.1.19. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > request_object_encryption_alg
Type string
Description: JWE
algorithm the Relying Party is declaring that it may use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OIDC Provider.18.1.20. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > request_object_encryption_enc
Type string
Description: JWE
algorithm the Relying Party is declaring that it might use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OIDC Provider.18.1.21. [Required] Property root > clients > clients items > token_endpoint_auth_method
Type string
Description: Requested authentication method for the backend endpoints (token, introspect, revoke).
18.1.22. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg
Type string
Description: JWS
algorithm that must be used for signing the JWT that is used to authenticate the Client at the Token Endpoint for theprivate_key_jwt
authentication methods.18.1.23. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > token_endpoint_auth_single_use_jti
Type boolean
Description: When set to
and client assertion is used as the method to perform client authentication, the client assertion cannot be reused.18.1.24. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > tls_client_auth_subject_dn
Type string
Description: Expected subject distinguished name of the certificate that the OAuth client uses in mutual-TLS authentication.
18.1.25. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > tls_client_auth_san_dns
Type string
Description: Expected DNS name SAN entry in the certificate that the OAuth client uses in mutual-TLS authentication.
18.1.26. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > tls_client_auth_san_email
Type string
Description: Expected RFC822 name SAN entry in the certificate that the OAuth client uses in mutual-TLS authentication.
18.1.27. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > tls_client_auth_san_ip
Type string
Description: Expected IP address SAN entry in the certificate that the OAuth client uses in mutual-TLS authentication.
18.1.28. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > tls_client_auth_san_uri
Type string
Description: Expected URI SAN entry in the certificate that the OAuth client uses in mutual-TLS authentication.
18.1.29. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens
Type boolean
Default false
Description: Indicates the client's intention to use mutual-TLS client certificate-bound access tokens. The default value is
.18.1.30. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > require_pushed_authorization_requests
Type boolean
Description: Indicates the client's intention to enforce usage of push authorization request (PAR) to trigger authorize flow.
18.1.31. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > require_pkce
Type boolean
Description: Indicates the client's intention to enforce usage of proof-key for code exchange.
18.1.32. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > backchannel_token_delivery_mode
Type enum (of string)
Description: Backchannel token delivery mode. One of the following values:
Must be one of:
- "poll"
- "ping"
18.1.33. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > backchannel_user_code_parameter
Type boolean
Default false
Description: Boolean value specifying whether the Client supports the user_code parameter. If omitted, the default value is
. This parameter only applies when definition.backchannel_settings.user_code_support in provider configure is set totrue
18.1.34. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > backchannel_client_notification_endpoint
Type string
Description: REQUIRED if the token delivery mode is set to ping. This is the endpoint to which the ISVAOP will post a notification after a successful or failed end-user authentication. It MUST be an HTTPS URL.
18.1.35. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > dpop_bound_access_tokens
Type boolean
Description: Boolean value specifying whether to adds the
claim to thecnf
claim in the access token.18.1.36. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > dpop_signing_alg
Type string
Description: Expected
alg algorithm for signed the DPoP proof JWT. Optional.18.1.37. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > dpop_single_use_jti
Type boolean
Description: When set to
the DPoP proof JWT should contain a unique identifier in the jti claim which cannot be re-used.18.1.38. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > response_modes
Type string array
Description: This parameter informs the authorization server of the allowed list of modes that the client expects for the authorization response.
18.1.39. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > token_exchange_settings
Description: Token exchange configuration. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > token_exchange_settings > client_groups
Type string array
Description: The list of OpenID Connect client groups. Client groups is a way tagging clients. Tokens generated by a client can be used as the subject token for token exchange with another client using the same tag. If this list is empty, any client can use the tokens generated from this client as the subject token for token exchange. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > token_exchange_settings > supported_subject_token_types
Type string array
Description: This parameter indicates the list of subject token types supported for token exchange. A subject token represents the identity of the party on behalf of whom the token is being requested. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > token_exchange_settings > supported_requested_token_types
Type string array
Description: This parameter indicates the list of requested token types supported for token exchange. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > token_exchange_settings > supported_actor_token_types
Type string array
Description: This parameter indicates the list of actor token types supported for token exchange. An actor token represents the identity of the party to whom the access rights of the issued token are being delegated.
18.1.40. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension
Description: Other information of the client that does not fit the above metadata.
The following nonexhaustive list of information goes to the extension. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > company_name
Type string
Description: Company name that is associated with this Client. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > company_url
Type string
Description: Company URL that is associated with this Client. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > email
Type string
Description: Company URL that is associated with this Client. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > phone
Type string
Description: Phone number that is associated with this Client. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > contact_person
Type string
Description: Contact person that is associated with this Client. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > contact_type
Type string
Description: Contact type that is associated with this Client. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > otherInfo
Type string
Description: Other information associated with this Client. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > encryptKey
Type string
Description: Key label of the signer key that is used to encrypt ID token. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > encryptDB
Type string
Description: Keystore of the signer key that is used to encrypt ID token. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > contacts
Type string array
Description: Email addresses of people responsible for the Client. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > logo_uri
Type string
Description: URL that references a logo for the Client application. [Optional] Property root > clients > clients items > extension > client_uri
Type string
Description: URL of the home page of the Client.
clients client_id clientTemplate client_secret"OBF:U2FsdGVkX19iBhlwc53QkybjO6RjFHhSbz4VRudYHA=" # Client secret that is used for client authentication and/or JWT signing/encryption. `OBF:` indicates obfuscated string. client_name Client Template with Comments # Name of the client. client_id_issued_at 1642399207 # Timestamp (in seconds) from when the client is created. enabled true # Set to `true` to enable this client grant_types# Grant type that the client is allowed to use at the token endpoint. authorization_code password client_credentials implicit refresh_token urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer response_types# Response type that the client is allowed to use at the authorization endpoint. code id_token code code token none code token id_token redirect_uris# Redirection URI strings for use in redirect-based flows such as the authorization code and implicit flows. https://www.rp.com/redirect request_uris# Request URIs that are pre-registered by the Relying Party for use at the OIDC Provider. https://www.rp.com/request/test.jwt scopes# A list of scope values that the client can use when requesting access tokens. cdr:registration openid profile jwks_uri https //www.rp.com/oidc/endpoint/default/jwks # URL string referencing the client's JSON Web Key (JWK) set document, that contains the client's public keys. id_token_signed_response_alg PS512 # JWS alg algorithm for signing the ID Token that is issued to the Client. Optional. If present it shall be always the same as the token_settings.signing_alg value set in provider.yml id_token_encrypted_response_alg none # JWE alg algorithm for encrypting the ID Token that is issued to the Client. Optional, default is `none`. id_token_encrypted_response_enc none # JWE enc algorithm for encrypting the ID Token that is issued to the Client. Optional, default is `none`. userinfo_signed_response_alg none # JWS alg algorithm for signing UserInfo Responses. userinfo_encrypted_response_alg none # JWE alg algorithm for encrypting UserInfo Responses. Optional, default is `none`. userinfo_encrypted_response_enc none # JWE enc algorithm for encrypting UserInfo Responses. Optional, default is `none`. request_object_signing_alg PS256 # JWS alg algorithm that MUST be used for signing Request Objects sent to the OIDC Provider. request_object_encryption_alg none # JWE alg algorithm the Relying Party is declaring that it may use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OIDC Provider. request_object_encryption_enc none # JWE enc algorithm the Relying Party is declaring that it might use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OIDC Provider. token_endpoint_auth_method tls_client_auth # Requested authentication method for the backend endpoints (token, introspect, revoke). # token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg: RS384 # JWS alg algorithm that **must** be used for signing the JWT that is used to authenticate the Client at the Token Endpoint for the `private_key_jwt` authentication methods. token_endpoint_auth_single_use_jti false # When set to `true` and client assertion is used as the method to perform client authentication, the client assertion cannot be reused. tls_client_auth_subject_dn CN=clientTemplateWithComments,OU=security,O=IBM,L=singapore,ST=singapore,C=SG # Expected subject distinguished name of the certificate that the OAuth client uses in mutual-TLS authentication. # tls_client_auth_san_dns: www.rp.com # Expected DNS name SAN entry in the certificate that the OAuth client uses in mutual-TLS authentication. # tls_client_auth_san_email: client@www.rp.com # Expected RFC822 name SAN entry in the certificate that the OAuth client uses in mutual-TLS authentication. # tls_client_auth_san_ip: # Expected IP address SAN entry in the certificate that the OAuth client uses in mutual-TLS authentication. # tls_client_auth_san_uri: https://www.rp.com # Expected URI SAN entry in the certificate that the OAuth client uses in mutual-TLS authentication. tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens false # Indicates the client's intention to use mutual-TLS client certificate-bound access tokens. The default value is `false`. require_pushed_authorization_requests false # Indicates the client's intention to enforce usage of push authorization request (PAR) to trigger authorize flow. require_pkce true # Indicates the client's intention to enforce usage of proof-key for code exchange. backchannel_token_delivery_mode poll # Backchannel token delivery mode. One of the following values: `poll` or `ping` backchannel_user_code_parameter false # Boolean value specifying whether the Client supports the user_code parameter. If omitted, the default value is `false`. This parameter only applies when definition.backchannel_settings.user_code_support in provider.yml is set to `true` # backchannel_client_notification_endpoint: http://www.rp.com/auth/notification # REQUIRED if the token delivery mode is set to `ping`. This is the endpoint to which the ISVAOP will post a notification after a successful or failed end-user authentication. It MUST be an HTTPS URL. dpop_bound_access_tokens true # Boolean value specifying whether to adds the `jkt` claim to the `cnf` claim in the access token. dpop_signing_alg PS256 # Expected JWS `alg` algorithm for signed the DPoP proof JWT. dpop_single_use_jti false # When set to `true` the DPoP proof JWT should contain a unique identifier in the `jti` claim which cannot be re-used. response_modes# This parameter informs the authorization server of the allowed list of response_modes that the client expects for the authorization response. query fragment form_post query.jwt fragment.jwt form_post.jwt jwt token_exchange_settings client_groups benefits insurance supported_subject_token_types urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:refresh_token urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token supported_actor_token_types urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:refresh_token urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token urn:x-oath:params:oauth:token-type:device-secret supported_requested_token_types urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:refresh_token urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token extension# Other information of the client that does not fit the above metadata. email joe@ibm.com contact_type ADMINISTRATOR company_name IBM encryptDB rt_encrypt encryptKey rsa
19. [Required] Property root > keystore
Type array of object
Defined in yaml_keystore.yml#/definitions/keystore Description: Specifies the keystores that IBM Security Verify Access OIDC Provider (ISVAOP) is using.
Also refer to key management.
Each item of this array must be Description keystore items Specify each keystore in one the following types. ...
Description: Specify each keystore in one the following types.
type description p12
Specifies a pfx (.p12 file) keystore pem
Specifies the keystore's certificates and keys in PEM format zip
Specifies the keystore using a zip file path
Specifies the path to the keystore contents 19.1.1. [Optional] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (p12) [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (p12) > name
Type string
Description: The keystore name [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (p12) > type
Type const
Description: The keystore type
Specific value:
"p12" [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (p12) > content
Type string
Description: The p12 keystore content or path using corresponding annotation.
Refer to Special Types and Special Types Available in Kubernetes.
19.1.2. [Optional] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (pem) [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (pem) > name
Type string
Description: The keystore name [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (pem) > type
Type const
Description: The keystore type
Specific value:
"pem" [Optional] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (pem) > certificate
Type array of object
Description: Signer certificates of the keystore in PEM format
Each item of this array must be Description certificate items Signer certificate in PEM format
Description: Signer certificate in PEM format [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (pem) > certificate > certificate items > label
Type string
Description: Signer certificate label [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (pem) > certificate > certificate items > content
Type string
Description: Signer certificate content or path using corresponding annotation.
Refer to Special Types and Special Types Available in Kubernetes. [Optional] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (pem) > key
Type array of object
Description: Personal certificate of the keystore in PEM format
Each item of this array must be Description key items Personal certificate in PEM format
Description: Personal certificate in PEM format [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (pem) > key > key items > label
Type string
Description: Personal certificate label [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (pem) > key > key items > content
Type string
Description: Personal certificate content or path using corresponding annotation.
Refer to Special Types and Special Types Available in Kubernetes.
19.1.3. [Optional] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (zip) [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (zip) > name
Type string
Description: The keystore name [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (zip) > type
Type const
Description: The keystore type
Specific value:
"zip" [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (zip) > content
Type string
Description: The keystore zip file content or path using corresponding annotation.
Refer to Special Types and Special Types Available in Kubernetes.
19.1.4. [Optional] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (path) [Required] Property root > keystore > keystore items > keystore (path) > name
Type string
Description: The keystore name
keystore name ks1 type p12 content"B64:<encoded_p12>" password"OBF:<obfuscated_p12_password>" name ks2 type pem certificate label cert01 content"B64:<encoded PEM>" label cert02 content"@<file>" label cert03 content <inline PEM> key label key01 content"B64:<encoded PEM>" label key02 content"@<file>" label key03 content <inline PEM> name ks3 type zip content"B64:<encoded zip>" name ks4 type path content"keystore/ks4_contents"
20. [Optional] Property root > rules
Description: Specifies the access policies and mapping rules that IBM Security Verify Access OIDC Provider (ISVAOP) runtime flows are using.
rules access_policy name default_policy type javascript content importClass(Packages.com.tivoli.am.fim.trustserver.sts.utilities.IDMappingExtUtils); ... mapping name isvaop_pretoken content importClass(Packages.com.tivoli.am.fim.trustserver.sts.utilities.IDMappingExtUtils); ... name isvaop_posttoken content importClass(Packages.com.tivoli.am.fim.trustserver.sts.utilities.IDMappingExtUtils); ... name attrUtil content"B64:aW1wb3J0Q2xhc3MoUGFj...Cg==" name checkstatus content"configmap:rules/mapping_checkstatus.js" name dcr content"B64:aW1wb...pCn0K" name extCache content importClass(Packages.com.tivoli.am.fim.trustserver.sts.utilities.IDMappingExtUtils); ... name httpClient content"configmap:rules/mapping_httpClient.js" name jwt content"B64:aW1wb...T047" name ldapClient content importClass(Packages.com.tivoli.am.fim.trustserver.sts.utilities.IDMappingExtUtils); ... name library content"configmap:rules/mapping_library.js" name notifyuser content importClass(Packages.com.tivoli.am.fim.trustserver.sts.utilities.IDMappingExtUtils); ... name oauthUtil content"B64:aW1w...Cgo=" name ropc content importClass(Packages.com.tivoli.am.fim.trustserver.sts.utilities.IDMappingExtUtils); ...20.1. [Optional] Property root > rules > mapping
Type array of object
Description: JavaScript mapping rules
Each item of this array must be Description mapping items JavaScript Mapping rule ...
Description: JavaScript Mapping rule
Read more about JavaScript Mapping rule. [Required] Property root > rules > mapping > mapping items > name
Type string
Description: The mapping rule name [Required] Property root > rules > mapping > mapping items > content
Type string
Description: The mapping rule content or path using corresponding annotation.
Refer to Special Types and Special Types Available in Kubernetes.
20.2. [Optional] Property root > rules > access_policy
Type array of object
Description: Access Policies
Each item of this array must be Description access_policy items Access Policy ...
Description: Access Policy
Read more about Access Policy. [Required] Property root > rules > access_policy > access_policy items > name
Type string
Description: The access policy name [Required] Property root > rules > access_policy > access_policy items > content
Type string
Description: The access policy content or path using corresponding annotation.
Refer to Special Types and Special Types Available in Kubernetes.
Updated 6 months ago