Dynamic Client Profile

9. Dynamic Client Profile

IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider supports the following configuration for dynamic client registration .

NameDescriptionValid ValueMandatoryDefault
recipeSecurity profile to be used, option Default, FAPI_DEFAULT, FAPI_UK-OB, FAPI_AU-CDRNo
mappingrule_idDynamic registration-mapping rule ID.stringNo
software_statement_validationSoftware statement validation settings.Software Statement Validation
registration_endpoint_authenticationAuthentication settings for POST operation.Registration Endpoint Authentication
management_endpoint_authenticationAuthentication settings for PUT/GET/DELETE operations.Management Endpoint Authentication
registration_access_tokenRegistration access token settings.Registration Access Token

9.1. Software Statement Validation

The following table contains settings that validate the software statement signature.
Further validation of the software statement can be done in the mapping rule.

NameDescriptionValid Value
jwks_uriJwks URI containing the public key that is needed to validate the software statement signature.string
signing_algsAccepted signing algorithms.string[]

9.2. Registration Endpoint Authentication

These settings are only applicable for POST operation.

NameDescriptionValid Value
require_mtlsSpecifies whether the endpoint requires MTLS.boolean
require_bearer_tokenSpecifies whether the endpoint requires bearer token.boolean
require_software_statementSpecifies whether the endpoint requires software statement.boolean
allow_custom_client_credsOnly for POST. Specifies whether to accept client_id/client_secret in the POST payload.boolean

9.3. Management Endpoint Authentication

The following settings apply to PUT, GET, and DELETE operation, unless stated otherwise.

NameDescriptionValid Value
require_mtlsSpecifies whether the endpoint requires MTLS.boolean
require_bearer_tokenSpecifies whether the endpoint requires bearer token.boolean
require_software_statementSpecifies whether the endpoint requires software statement. This setting applies to the PUT operation only.boolean

9.4. Registration Access Token

NameDescriptionValid Value
generateSpecifies whether to produce registration access token as part of POST/PUT/GET operations.boolean
lifetimeSpecifies the lifetime of the registration access token.integer
scopesSpecify the access token scopes. All scopes specified here are mandatory. Unauthorized if any scope is not present in the access token.string[]
dynamic_registration: recipe: FAPI_UK-OB # Security profile to use, option Default, FAPI_DEFAULT, FAPI_UK-OB, FAPI_AU-CDR mappingrule_id: dcr # Dynamic registration mapping rule ID. software_statement_validation: # Software statement validation settings. jwks_uri: # Jwks URI containing the public key required to validate the software statement signature. signing_algs: # Accepted signing algorithms. - ES256 registration_endpoint_authentication: # Authentication settings for POST operation. require_mtls: true # Specifies whether the endpoint requires MTLS. require_bearer_token: true # Specifies whether the endpoint requires bearer token. require_software_statement: false # Specifies whether the endpoint requires software statement. allow_custom_client_creds: true # Only for POST. Specifies whether to accept client_id/client_secret in the POST payload. management_endpoint_authentication: # Authentication settings for PUT/GET/DELETE operations. require_mtls: false # Specifies whether the endpoint requires MTLS. require_bearer_token: true # Specifies whether the endpoint requires bearer token. require_software_statement: false # Specifies whether the endpoint requires software statement. This is only applicable for PUT operation. registration_access_token: # Registration access token settings. generate: true # Specifies whether to produce registration access token as part of POST/PUT/GET operations. lifetime: 86400 # Specifies the lifetime of the registration access token. scopes: # Specify the scopes required by the access token. All scopes specified here are mandatory. Unauthorized if any scope is not present in the access token. - cdr:registration

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