JWT Utility

JWT utility

Use this utility to issue JWT or validate JWT.
To use this utility, add this line at the beginning of your JavaScript:


1. Issuing a JWT

To issue a JWT, call the following method:

  var result = JwtUtility.issueJWT(settings, claims, headers);
NameData typeRequiredDescription
settingsJwtIssuerSettingsYesSettings used to issue the JWT.
claimsJS mapYesJSON payload of the issued JWT.
headersJS mapNoExtra JWT headers.
resultJwtIssuerResult-The operation result.

1.1. JwtIssuerSettings

This class is a setting builder when a JWT is issued.

The following example shows how to create the JwtIssuerSettings object.

  var settings = new JwtIssuerSettings()
    .signUseAsymmetricKey("rt_signstore", "server")
    .encryptAlgorithm("RSA-OAEP-256", "A256GCM")
    .encryptUseAsymmetricKey("rt_encryptstore", "client01rsa")
    .setAudience(["client01", "https://resource.com"])
signAlgorithm(alg)Set the signing algorithmstring. See: Supported Algorithms.
signUseAsymmetricKey(keystore, keylabel)Set the keystore and label of the private key that is used for asymmetric signing.string, string
signUseSymmetricKey(secret)Set the secret used for symmetric signing.string
encryptAlgorithm(alg, enc)Set the key and content encryption algorithms.string. See: Supported Algorithms
encryptUseAsymmetricKey(keystore, keylabel)Set the keystore and label of the public key that is used for asymmetric encryption. If a jwks URI or document is provided, the public key is retrieved from there instead.string, string
encryptUseSymmetricKey(secret, isOidcAes)Set the secret that is used for symmetric encryption and whether to apply key processing defined by OIDC Core.string, bool
encryptUseCompression()Compress the payload before encryption operation.
withJwksUri(jwks_uri)Set jwks URI to retrieve public key for asymmetric encryption operation.string
withJwksString(jwks_string)Set jwks document to retrieve public key for asymmetric encryption operation.string
setSubject(subject)Set the sub claim with this subject only if sub claim not yet exists.string
setIssuer(issuer)Set the iss claim with this issuer only if iss claim not yet exists.string
setAudience(audience)Set the aud claim with this audience only if aud claim not yet exists.string or slice
setLifetimeInSeconds(lifetime)When the lifetime is provided, generate the iat and exp claims, if such claims do not yet exist.integer
generateJTI()Generate jti claim if it does not exist yet.

1.2. JwtIssuerResult

This class represents the response from JWT issuer.

Return TypeMethodDescription
BooleanhasError()Check whether the processing detected any error.
stringgetError()Retrieve the error returned
stringgetJwt()Retrieve the jwt issued when the operation is successful

2. Validating a JWT

To validate a JWT, call this method:

  var result = JwtUtility.validateJWT(settings, jwt);
NameData typeRequiredDescription
settingsJwtValidatorSettingsYesSettings used to validate the JWT.
jwtstringYesJWT to be validated.
resultJwtValidationResult-The operation result.

2.1. JwtValidatorSettings

This class is a settings' builder when a JWT is validated.

The following example shows how to create the JwtValidatorSettings object:

  var settings = new JwtValidatorSettings()
    .verifyUseAsymmetricKeyStore("rt_signstore", false)
    .decryptUseSymmetricKey("secret", true)
verifyAlgorithm(alg)Set the expected signing algorithm. This method is optional, since this information can be read from alg header.string. See: Supported Algorithms
verifyUseAsymmetricKeyStore(keystore, opSigned)Set the keystore used for asymmetric signing validation when jwks information does not exist. When opSigned is true, it means that the JWS was signed by this OP, so the public key is extracted from a personal key.string, Boolean
verifyUseAsymmetricKeyLabel(keylabel)Set the key label used for asymmetric signing validation. This method is optional, since this information can be read from kid header.string
verifyUseSymmetricKey(secret)Set the secret used for symmetric signing validation.string
decryptAlgorithm(alg, enc)Set the expected key and content encryption algorithms. This method is optional, since this information can be read from alg and enc header.string, string. See Supported Algorithms.
decryptUseAsymmetricKeyStore(keystore)Set the keystore used for asymmetric decryption.string
decryptUseAsymmetricKeyLabel(keylabel)Set the key label used for asymmetric decryption. This method is optional, since this information can be read from kid header.string
decryptUseSymmetricKey(secret, isOidcAes)Set the secret that is used for symmetric decryption and whether to apply key processing that is defined by OIDC Core appliesstring, Boolean
withJwksUri(jwks_uri)Set jwks URI to retrieve public key for asymmetric signing validation.string
withJwksString(jwks_string)Set jwks document to retrieve public key for asymmetric signing validation.string

2.2. JwtValidationResult

This class represents the response from JWT validator and offer methods that can be used to validate claims in the JWT.

Return TypeMethodDescriptionArguments
BooleanisSigned()Check whether the JWT was signed.
BooleanisSignedUsingAlg(allowedAlgs)Compare the algorithm that is used for signing against allowed algorithms.string or slice
BooleanisSignedUsingKid(allowedKids)Compare the key ID that is used for signing against allowed labels.string or slice
JS mapgetJWSExtraHeaders()Return other JWS headers for further validation
BooleanisEncrypted()Check whether the JWT was encrypted.
BooleanisEncryptedUsingAlg(allowedAlgs)Compare the algorithm that is used for key encryption against allowed algorithms.string or slice
BooleanisEncryptedUsingEnc(allowedAlgs)Compare the algorithm that is used for content encryption against allowed algorithms.string or slice
BooleanisEncryptedUsingKid(allowedKids)Compare the key ID that is used for encryption against allowed labels.string or slice
JS mapgetJWEExtraHeaders()Return other JWE headers for further validation
BooleanhasSubject(expectedSubject)Compare the sub claim with expected subject.string
BooleanhasIssuer(expectedIssuer)Compare the iss claim with expected issuer.string
BooleanhasAudience(expectedAudience)Compare the aud claim with expected audiences.string or slice
BooleanhasUniqueJwtID(jwtType)Check whether the jti claim is unique under certain JWT type. See: Jwt Typesinteger
BooleanhasValidExpiry(lifeTimeTolerance, timeSkew, required)Check validity of the exp claim. The exp claim must be in the future, but cannot be too far in the future.integer, integer, Boolean
BooleanhasValidIssuedAt(lifeTimeTolerance, timeSkew, required)Check validity of the iat claim. The iat claim must be in the past, but cannot be too far in the past.integer, integer, Boolean
BooleanhasValidNotBefore(timeSkew, required)Check validity of the nbf claim. The nbf claim must be in the past.integer, Boolean
BooleanhasError()Check whether the processing detected any error
stringgetError()Retrieve the error returned

2.3. JWT types

The system currently uses the following Jwt types. For custom type, use value 10 and higher.

Client authentication1
JWT bearer token2
Request object3
JWT access token4

3. Supported algorithms

PurposeSupported Values
SigningES256, ES384, ES512, HS256, HS384, HS512, PS256, PS384, PS512, RS256, RS384, RS512
Key Encryptiondir, A128KW, A192KW, A256KW, A128GCMKW, A192GCMKW, A256GCMKW, RSA1_5, RSA-OAEP, RSA-OAEP-256, ECDH-ES, ECDH-ES+A128KW, ECDH-ES+A192KW, ECDH-ES+A256KW
Content EncryptionA128GCM, A192GCM, A256GCM, A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, A256CBC-HS512

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