Authentication Setting

3. Authentication Settings

OIDC Provider performs authorization only. It relies on IBM Verify Identity Access Web Reverse Proxy to perform user authentication.
The following settings are extra settings that can be used, if authentication is needed.

NameDescriptionValid ValueMandatoryDefault
endpointEndpoint to redirect when authentication is needed. This setting is mandatory when grant_types contains authorization_code or implicit (refer to Definition).stringNo
callback_param_nameParameter name to specify the callback target URI. If it is not specified, the default callback param name is Target.stringNoTarget
subject_attribute_nameName of the user or credential attribute that is used to populate the sub. If it is not specified, the default attribute is uid.stringNouid

The endpoint must be a full URL. For example,

authentication: # Authentication Settings endpoint: # Endpoint to redirect when authentication is required. This is mandatory when `grant_types` contains `authorization_code` or `implicit` callback_param_name: Target # Parameter name to specify the callback target URI. If it is not specified, the default callback param name is `Target`. subject_attribute_name: uid # Name of the user or credential attribute that will be used to populate the `sub`. If it is not specified, the default attribute is `uid`.

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