Updating token lifetime

Updating token lifetime in the mapping rule

Scenarios exist where based on an incoming scope, the lifetime of the generated token needs to be modified. A new mapping rule utility is introduced to address these scenarios.

Mapping rule snippet

importClass(Packages.com.tivoli.am.fim.trustserver.sts.utilities.IDMappingExtUtils); importClass(Packages.com.tivoli.am.fim.trustserver.sts.utilities.OAuthMappingExtUtils); IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("Entering pre token mapping rule") IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("Principal name is " + stsuu.getPrincipalName()); IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("STSUU: " + stsuu.toString()); var grant_type = stsuu.getContextAttributes().getAttributeValueByName("grant_type"); var scope_test_param = stsuu.getContextAttributes().getAttributeValueByName("scope"); IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("test_param: " + scope_test_param); if(scope_test_param != null && scope_test_param == "profile"){ cfgOverride["at_lifetime_in_secs"] = 2000; cfgOverride["rt_lifetime_in_secs"] = 4000; } else if(scope_test_param != null && scope_test_param == "email" && grant_type == "refresh_token"){ cfgOverride["at_lifetime_in_secs"] = 1000; cfgOverride["rt_lifetime_in_secs"] = 3000; }
  • cfgOverride is a JSON object, that provides the ability to override, access token and refresh token lifetime.
  • cfgOverride is available only at the pre token mapping rule.
  • at_lifetime_in_secs represents access token lifetime in seconds.
  • rt_lifetime_in_secs represents refresh token lifetime in seconds.
  • at_lifetime_in_secs indicates how long the access token is valid.
  • rt_lifetime_in_secs indicates how long the refresh token is valid.



Refresh token lifetime indicates the grant lifetime, if a refresh token lifetime is set to a value lesser than the access token, when the refresh token expires the entire grant will expire, so the access token belonging to that token will also expire.

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