To configure LDAP as a source of user data and attributes update the LDAP hostname, hostport, credential and ssl_settings in the given sample below and copy it into storage.yml
runtime_db: mypq # Configuration of runtime database. Points to the database server connection.
type: db # Specifies the type of session cache, in-memory, redis, or db.
# cfg: redis-standalone # Specifies the configuration of the `redis` cache, for `redis` type only. Points to `redis` server connection
# life_time: 600 # Specifies the session entry duration in seconds. It applies to `in-memory` type sessions only. Default is `600`
# max_entries: 60000 # Specifies the maximum number of session entries. It applies to `in-memory` type sessions only. Default is `60000`
server_connections: # Server connections
- name: mypq # Connection name
- name: ldap_staging # Connection name
type: ldap # Connection type
hosts: # List of host information (IP and port)
- hostname: openldap # Server's hostname
hostport: 636 # Server's host port
credential: # Credential information to connect to the host.
bind_dn: cn=root,secAuthority=Default # Specifies the binding credential for the LDAP server connection.
bind_password: 'OBF:gJDSuqEFmORCR2Uw3FsAmFKomjYLmhMwdDG2XoUxtQ0='
# Specifies the binding password for the LDAP server connection. It is recommended to obfuscate this.
certificate: # The SSL connection certificate array.
- ks:ldap_keys # The SSL keystore to be used for SSL connections. ks: indicates keystore.
key: ks:rt_profile_keys/ldap # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label that contains the client's private key.
certificate: ks:rt_profile_keys/ldap # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label of the client's leaf certificate.
ca: # The mutual_auth connection certificate array.
- ks:rt_profile_keys/ca # When mutual TLS is needed, specify the keystore and label of the client's CA certificate.
disable_hostname_verification: false # The SSL connection validates the hostname.
conn_settings: # Connection pool settings for the LDAP server. It can be specified at the top level if the settings are common across hosts.
max_pool_size: 50 # Maximum connection pool size.
connect_timeout: 3 # Connect timeout, in seconds.
aged_timeout: 5 # Aged timeout, in seconds.