JWT Access Token


The JWT Access Token profile describes a way to encode access tokens as a JSON Web Token, including a set of standard claims that are useful in an access token. JWT Access Token can be validated by the resource server directly, without contacting the authorization server.


  • Set up IVIAOP
  • Set up an application or relying party that supports authorization code flow

Configuring IVIAOP

Configuring provider.yml

  • The token_settings indicate access_token_type as jwt.
# Copyright contributors to the IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider Resources project logging: level: debug definition: id: 1 name: OIDC Definition grant_types: - authorization_code base_url: https://isvaop.ibm.com:445/isvaop token_settings: # Token Settings issuer: https://isvaop.ibm.com # OP's issuer URI. signing_alg: PS256 # Signing algorithm for ID token generated. signing_keystore: isvaop_signing # Signing keystore name. signing_keylabel: jwtsigning # Signing key label. access_token_type: jwt # Indicates the access token format. server: ssl: key: ks:isvaop_keys/httpserverkey certificate: ks:isvaop_keys/httpservercert jwks: signing_keystore: isvaop_signing secrets: obf_key: "ENC:iUt+3MzCntxSL2FPTUuJqER79UaiRSApMz3cbgJm4yzuiv6H7KN8ADsamX6+Qre1oTsATjnb1bJ0Lmi7WWfxWeGT477yqqvgVayFlCDIFzZeNkdINjASfTE3B+/3Sm9YjIYuWtZdySiXeydhJXSiOGU9osdA9g2BZXR4eMrXNutCuaSvFH6MY+TyOH5q15vy6vEWOebJQHrnug0A8rN6NF8G8XaxCe/+yqH57jJpdhm0N7iUydIYOBOQ1wDgCc8nRMWkQqlkcRhDZvLLAIlhoshYvo06ubyryt8/vv/0AvTLq9AIiQoL8CtYLr+SNZlzWe4CnHYZdO9S+AIrUOVORw==" enc_key: "@keys/private.pem"
  • Read more about key management to be able to create a jwtsigning key to sign the id_token, and to create https_keys to configure server node.
  • secrets node defines secret data which can be used to obfuscate or encrypt entries within the YAML configuration documents. Read more about geerating the obf_key and enc_key in the document.

Configuring the static client

# Copyright contributors to the IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider Resources project client_id: client_jwt_accesstoken client_secret: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX1989Y/UBwz1BNPbIkv0hgBTcoynJtlRt56hu3TGX+5Kdi4TJ6MLMYtO" # ahwoaor82noawasg is the secret in clear text. client_name: "AuthorizationCode with JWT Access Token" enabled: true redirect_uris: - https://www.google.com - https://www.mysp.ibm.com/isam/sps/oidc/rp/isamrp/redirect/partner grant_types: - authorization_code response_types: - code token_endpoint_auth_method: client_secret_post

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