Sender Constrained Tokens
Mutual TLS Sender Constrained Tokens
Mutual TLS Sender Constrained Tokens are tokens that are bound to the underlying mutual TLS connection between the client and the authorization server. The TLS session is established by the Mutual TLS Client Authentication as part of a OAuth 2.0 workflow. After a successful client authentication the authorization server will encode the thumbprint (hash) of the client certificate in the Introspection Response (when using opaque tokens).
- Set up IVIAOP
- Run the OAuth and OpenID Connect Provider wizard in IVIA.
- Set up an application or relying party that supports authorization code flow with mTLS.
Configuring IVIAOP
Configuring provider.yml
- The mtls_certificate_header_name is configured to match the Web reverse proxy crendential attribute.
# Copyright contributors to the IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider Resources project
level: debug
id: 1
name: OIDC Definition
- authorization_code
mtls_certificate_header_name: x-client-certificate # Web reverse proxy credential name that contains the certificate for mtls.
token_settings: # Token Settings.
issuer: # OP's issuer URI.
signing_alg: PS256 # Signing algorithm for ID token generated.
signing_keystore: isvaop_signing # Signing keystore name.
signing_keylabel: jwtsigning # Signing key label.
access_token_type: jwt # Indicates the access token format.
key: ks:isvaop_keys/httpserverkey
certificate: ks:isvaop_keys/httpservercert
signing_keystore: isvaop_signing
obf_key: "ENC:iUt+3MzCntxSL2FPTUuJqER79UaiRSApMz3cbgJm4yzuiv6H7KN8ADsamX6+Qre1oTsATjnb1bJ0Lmi7WWfxWeGT477yqqvgVayFlCDIFzZeNkdINjASfTE3B+/3Sm9YjIYuWtZdySiXeydhJXSiOGU9osdA9g2BZXR4eMrXNutCuaSvFH6MY+TyOH5q15vy6vEWOebJQHrnug0A8rN6NF8G8XaxCe/+yqH57jJpdhm0N7iUydIYOBOQ1wDgCc8nRMWkQqlkcRhDZvLLAIlhoshYvo06ubyryt8/vv/0AvTLq9AIiQoL8CtYLr+SNZlzWe4CnHYZdO9S+AIrUOVORw=="
enc_key: "@keys/private.pem"
- Read more about key management to be able to create a
key to sign the id_token, and to createhttps_keys
to configureserver
node. secrets
node defines secret data which can be used to obfuscate or encrypt entries within the YAML configuration documents. Read more about geerating the obf_key and enc_key in the document.
Configuring the static client which uses tls_client_auth and tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens
- The token_endpoint_auth_method is configured to enforce MTLS as the authentication method at the token endpoint, tls_client_auth_subject_dn enforces the incoming client certificate's subject_dn matches the configuration and tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens enforces the resulting access token will be bound to the certificate by the means of confirmation claim.
# Copyright contributors to the IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider Resources project
client_id: client_mtls
client_secret: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX1989Y/UBwz1BNPbIkv0hgBTcoynJtlRt56hu3TGX+5Kdi4TJ6MLMYtO" # ahwoaor82noawasg is the secret in clear text. This value will not be used.
client_name: "AuthorizationCode with mTLS"
enabled: true
- authorization_code
- code
token_endpoint_auth_method: tls_client_auth
tls_client_auth_subject_dn: CN=client_mtls,O=ACME,C=US
tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens: true
Configuring the static client which uses private_key_jwt and tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens
- The token_endpoint_auth_method is configured to enforce private_key_jwt as the authentication method at the token endpoint, tls_client_auth_subject_dn enforces the incoming client certificate's subject_dn matches the configuration and tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens enforces the resulting access token will be bound to the certificate by the means of confirmation claim. The token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg enforces the signature algorithm of the JWT. The jwks_uri references the client's JSON Web Key (JWK) set document that contains the clients public key.
# Copyright contributors to the IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider Resources project
client_id: client_private_key_jwt
client_secret: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX1989Y/UBwz1BNPbIkv0hgBTcoynJtlRt56hu3TGX+5Kdi4TJ6MLMYtO" # ahwoaor82noawasg is the secret in clear text. This value will not be used.
client_name: "AuthorizationCode with private_key_jwt"
enabled: true
- authorization_code
- code
token_endpoint_auth_method: private_key_jwt
token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg: PS256
tls_client_auth_subject_dn: CN=client_mtls,O=ACME,C=US
tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens: true
Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession (DPoP)
DPoP provides a mechanism for a client to get sender-constrained OAuth tokens by providing a proof-of-possession of a public/private key pair. The specification is in draft status:
Read more about DPoP.
- Set up IVIAOP
- Set up an application or relying party that supports demonstrating proof-of-possession (DPoP) flow.
Configuring IVIAOP
In provider.yml, under definition, set the acceptable maximum lifetime of DPoP proof. If not specified, the default is 1800 seconds.
# Copyright contributors to the IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider Resources project definition: dpop_max_lifetime: 1800
Create a new static client configuration
and copy the following content.
The dpop_bound_access_tokens enforces that a DPoP JWT proof exists and the resulting access_token contains a cnf claim called jkt, dpop_signing_alg enforces the signature algorithm of the DPoP JWT.# Copyright contributors to the IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider Resources project client_id: client_dpop client_secret: "OBF:U2FsdGVkX1989Y/UBwz1BNPbIkv0hgBTcoynJtlRt56hu3TGX+5Kdi4TJ6MLMYtO" # ahwoaor82noawasg client_name: Client DPoP enabled: true redirect_uris: - grant_types: - authorization_code - password - refresh_token response_types: - code token_endpoint_auth_method: client_secret_post dpop_bound_access_tokens: true dpop_signing_alg: PS256 dpop_single_use_jti: false
Updated 3 months ago