Deployment Considerations

Deployment Considerations

When you deploy The IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider, consider the following points.



  • IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider must be hosted in a secure network zone and not visible to the public zone. It is only routed through Verify Identity Access Web Reverse Proxy.

  • All non-TLS communication must be disabled. Enable TLS-only communication between IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider and data layer components such as Verify Identity Access runtime database, LDAP and Redis.

  • Verify Identity Access runtime database must be hosted in a secure network zone and not be routable from the internet.

  • Use a highly available solution for the external Runtime Database. This service is critical to Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider operation.

  • If external session storage is used, in the form of the Runtime Database or Redis, it must be hosted in a secure network zone and not be accessible directly from the public zone.

  • Use an external logging server or service to store logs. IVIAOP streams logs into the container standard output (stdout).

  • Keep the host systems and Docker up to date.

  • Run the Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider as a non-root user.

High Availability Considerations

When you deploy The IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider for high availability, consider the following points.

Network Boundary Protection

  • For ingress controls, ensure that only required pods and services are exposed.

  • For egress controls, ensure that outbound accesses are given for required pods only and that ports, protocol, and destinations are limited whenever possible.

  • For Inter-pod controls, allow only flows between specific pods or groups of pods that are required to communicate as part of normal operations.

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