The IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider (IVIAOP) image is available on IBM Cloud Container Registry.
See Software Downloads > Containers for more information.
The configuration for the container is supplied as YAML files, template files, JavaScript files along with other potential supporting files (e.g. PEM certificate files).
Boilerplate YAML configuration is available for download from the Resources Github Repository.
When the container starts, it processes configuration found at '/var/isvaop/config' directory. As such, the configuration for the container will need to be present in this directory before the container is started or mounted as part of startup.
There are different ways by which the IVIAOP container can be packaged to start with the configuration information. Here are some non-exhaustive options:
- Pre-baking the configuration into a new image which is based on the IVIAOP image. A Dockerfile which can be used to create a pre-baked image is shown below:
## You can build this image by issuing the following command:
## docker build -t acme-isvaop:1.0 $PWD
## The container is based on the IVIAOP container.
FROM icr.io/ivia/ivia-oidc-provider:24.12
## Copy the configuration files from the data directory
## to the docker image.
COPY data/. /var/isvaop/config/
## Some labels which will be associated with the image.
LABEL maintainer="isvaop@acme.com" \
- Using Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets to hold configuration information.
Approach: Using Kubernetes resources
Pre-deployment steps
Create a Kubernetes Secret for Keystores, Certificates and Keys.
Put the following files in the same folder and use the command line to create the Secret.
- P12 keystore and the obf file contains the P12's obfuscated password.
- Individual keystore .zip file. Make sure the keystore zip file has the
folders at its root. - PEM format certificate and key files.
Use the following command to create the Secret:
kubectl create secret generic isvaop-keystores --from-file=./keystores -
Create a Kubernetes Secret for Server Credentials.
Create a Kubernetes Secret yaml file with the server credentials as shown in the following example.
kind Secret apiVersion v1 metadata name isvaop-server stringData db_hostname... db_hostport... db_username... db_password... db_db_name... ... type OpaqueUse the following command to create the Secret:
kuberctl apply -f server_secret.yml -
Create a Kubernetes Secret for obfuscation and encryption keys.
Create a Kubernetes Secret yaml file with the server credentials as shown in the following example.kind Secret apiVersion v1 metadata name isvaop-obf stringData obf_key"ENC:<encrypted_obf_key>" enc_key -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- type OpaqueUse the following command to create the Secret:
oc apply -f obf_secret.yml -
If necessary, create more Kubernetes Secrets.
Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap for static clients.
Put the client yaml files in the same folder, and use the following command to create the ConfigMap:
kubectl create configmap isvaop-clients --from-file=./clients -
Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap for access policies.
Put the access policy files in the same folder, and use the following command to create the ConfigMap:
kubectl create configmap isvaop-access-policies --from-file=./accesspolicy -
Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap for mapping rules.
Put the mapping rule files in the same folder, and use the following command to create the ConfigMap:
kubectl create configmap isvaop-mapping-rules --from-file=./mappingrule -
Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap for customized template pages.
Compress the customized template pages. Make sure the .zip file has the language folders like
, andit
at its root.
Use the following command to create the ConfigMap:kubectl create configmap isvaop-templates --from-file=./templates.zip -
If necessary, create more Kubernetes ConfigMaps.
Create the main Kubernetes ConfigMap with top-level configuration keys.
- For more information about top-level keys and an example, see Configuration.
- For more information about YAML configuration details, see YAML Config Guide.
Create yaml configuration files with top-level keys, and use
annotation refer to configurations in Kubernetes ConfigMaps or Secrets.- For more information about
annotations, see Special Types Available in Kubernetes.
The configuration can in the same file or spread across multiple files.
The configuration file extensions must be
Set top-level keyversion
to enable full yaml configuration.The following code is a configuration file example with all top-level keys.
version24.08 server ssl key'secret:isvaop-keystores/httpserverkey.pem' certificate'secret:isvaop-keystores/httpservercert.pem' pages type zip content'configmap:isvaop-templates/templates.zip' logging level debug secrets obf_key'secret:isvaop-obf/obf_key' enc_key'secret:isvaop-obf/private.pem' template_macros user_macros name family_name given_name display_name request_macros authorization_details claims user_code state ssl certificate ks:rt_profile_keys disable_hostname_verificationtrue definition id1 name OIDC Definition grant_types authorization_code implicit password client_credentials refresh_token 'urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba' urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer access_policy_id default_policy pre_mappingrule_id pretoken post_mappingrule_id posttoken base_url'https://auth.isvaop.com:445' mtls_base_url'https://auth.isvaop.com:445' mtls_certificate_header_name X-Client-Certificate features enable_fault_tolerancefalse enable_dynamic_registrationtrue consent_prompt NEVER_PROMPT fapi_compliantfalse enforce_parfalse token_settings issuer'https://www.ibm.com' signing_alg RS256 signing_keystore rt_profile signing_keylabel rsa256 authorization_code_lifetime300 access_token_lifetime7200 id_token_lifetime3600 refresh_token_lifetime64800 request_object lifetime3600 require_expirytrue only_request_object_paramsfalse enforce_single_usagefalse backchannel_settings default_expiry900 maximum_expiry1800 polling_interval5 notifyuser_mappingrule_id notifyuser checkstatus_mappingrule_id checkstatus attribute_map name name preferred_username preferred_username email email metadata claims_supported iss name displayName janitor batch_size1000 max_duration0 check_frequency10 jwks signing_keystore rt_profile encryption_keystore rt_profile_keys authentication endpoint - https://auth.isvaop.com:445/oauth2/auth callback_param_name Target javascript timeout0 max_load16 max_idle_time600 max_ctx_in_isolate60 cleanup_frequency300 use_poolfalse dynamic_registration recipe Default mappingrule_id dcr software_statement_validation jwks_uri - https://isvaop.ibmcloudsecurity.com/oidc/endpoint/default/jwks signing_algs PS256 ES256 registration_endpoint_authentication require_mtlsfalse require_bearer_tokenfalse require_software_statementfalse allow_custom_client_credstrue management_endpoint_authentication require_mtlsfalse require_bearer_tokentrue require_software_statementfalse registration_access_token generatetrue lifetime86400 scopes 'cdr:registration' runtime_db db2srv session_cache type redis cfg redis-standalone server_connections name db2srv type db2 database_name'secret:isvaop-server/db_db_name' hosts hostname'secret:isvaop-server/db_hostname' hostport'secret:isvaop-server/db_hostport' credential username'secret:isvaop-server/db_username' password'secret:isvaop-server/db_password' ssl certificate ks:db2client disable_hostname_verificationtrue name redis-standalone type redis deployment model standalone hosts hostname'secret:isvaop-server/redis_hostname' hostport'secret:isvaop-server/redis_hostport' credential username'secret:isvaop-server/redis_username' password'secret:isvaop-server/redis_password' ssl certificate ks:rt_profile disable_hostname_verificationtrue name ldap_staging type ldap hosts hostname'secret:isvaop-server/ldap_hostname' hostport'secret:isvaop-server/ldap_hostport' credential bind_dn'secret:isvaop-server/ldap_bind_dn' bind_password'secret:isvaop-server/ldap_bind_pwd' ssl certificate ks:rt_profile disable_hostname_verificationtrue attribute_sources id1 name name type ldap value displayName scope subtree filter (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User)) selector cn,displayName,mail srv_conn ldap_staging baseDN dc=ibm,dc=com id2 name preferred_username type ldap value cn scope subtree filter (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User)) selector cn,displayName,mail srv_conn ldap_staging baseDN dc=ibm,dc=com id3 name email type ldap value mail scope subtree filter (objectclass=*) selector cn,displayName,mail srv_conn ldap_staging baseDN dc=ibm,dc=com ldapcfg name ldap_staging_cfg_01 scope subtree user_object_classes top,Person,organizationalPerson,inetOrgPerson filter (|(|(objectclass=ePerson)(objectclass=person))(objectclass=User)) selector objectClass,cn,sn,givenName,userPassword srv_conn ldap_staging attribute uid baseDN dc=ibm,dc=com rules access_policy name default_policy content'configmap:isvaop-access-policies/default_policy.js' mapping name pretoken content'configmap:isvaop-mapping-rules/pretoken.js' name posttoken content'configmap:isvaop-mapping-rules/posttoken.js' name dcr content'configmap:isvaop-mapping-rules/dcr.js' name ropc content'configmap:isvaop-mapping-rules/ropc.js' name notifyuser content'configmap:isvaop-mapping-rules/notifyuser.js' name checkstatus content'configmap:isvaop-mapping-rules/checkstatus.js' clients "configmap:isvaop-clients/client01.yml" "configmap:isvaop-clients/client02.yml" "configmap:isvaop-clients/client03.yml" keystore name db2client type p12 content"secret:isvaop-keystores/db2client.p12" password"secret:isvaop-keystores/db2client.obf" name rt_profile type zip content"secret:isvaop-keystores/rt_profile.zip" name rt_profile_keys type pem certificate label cert01 content"secret:isvaop-keystores/rt_profile_keys_signer_cert01.pem" label cert02 content"secret:isvaop-keystores/rt_profile_keys_signer_cert02.pem" key label key01 content"secret:isvaop-keystores/rt_profile_keys_personal_key01.pem" label key02 content"secret:isvaop-keystores/rt_profile_keys_personal_key02.pem"Put the configuration files with top-level keys in the same folder, and use the following command to create the ConfigMap:
kubectl create configmap isvaop-config --from-file=./config -
Create a service account.
## Create a serviceaccount called isvaop.
kubectl create serviceaccount isvaop
- Assign ConfigMap and Secret read permission to the service account.
Create a role with ConfigMap and Secret read permission using the following command:
kubectl create role view-configmap-secret --verb=get,list,watch --resource=secrets,configmaps
Create a Rolebinding to assign the role to the service account by using the following command.
The RoleBinding applies to the specific kubernetes namespace.
with the actual namespace.The default kubernetes namespace is
kubectl create rolebinding --role=view-configmap-secret <namespace>-isvaop-view-configmap-secret --serviceaccount=<namespace>:isvaop
In order to deploy a running IBM Verify Identity Access OIDC Provider container in a Kubernetes environment a deployment descriptor must first be created. The following deployment YAML file (isvaop-deployment.yaml) is a sample, which references the configmaps and secret created in the previous section.
Use the following isvaop-deployment.yml
to deploy the service.
## A demo deployment description for the isvaop container. This deployment
## descriptor has dependencies on the file-based configuration.
apiVersion apps/v1
kind Deployment
name isvaop
app isvaop
app isvaop
app isvaop
productName"IBM Verify Identity Access Virtual Edition Federation Module AOS"
# The name of the service account which has the required
# capabilities enabled for the IVIAOP container.
serviceAccountName isvaop
# Use volume to store the configuration data.
name isvaop-config
name isvaop-config
name isvaop
# The fully qualified name of the IVIAOP image.
image icr.io/ivia/ivia-oidc-provider24.12
# Mount our volumes to the expected configuration directory
name isvaop-config
mountPath /var/isvaop/config
# The liveness and readiness probes are used by Kubernetes
# to obtain the health of the container.
path /healthcheck/ready
scheme HTTPS
path /healthcheck/alive
scheme HTTPS
The Kubernetes pod can then be created using the following command:
[demouser@demovm ~]$ kubectl apply -f isvaop-deployment.yml
You can monitor the bootstrapping of the pod as below:
[demouser@demovm ~]$ kubectl logs -f `kubectl get -o json pods -l app=isvaop | jq -r .items[0].metadata.name`
The isvaop container will expose a single port for each protocol which is enabled for the server. For the HTTPS protocol the 8436 port is exposed. To make this port available from outside of the Kubernetes cluster a new service must be created. The following YAML file (isvaop-service.yaml) contains an example service definition:
## The service description of the isvaop service.
apiVersion v1
kind Service
name isvaop
name isvaop
protocol TCP
app isvaop
type NodePort
The service definition can then be created using the following command:
[demouser@demovm ~]$ kubectl apply -f isvaop-service.yaml
Updating the Configmap
To update the isvaop-config configmap, modify the configuration directory, then execute the following command:
[demouser@demovm ~]$ kubectl create configmap isvaop-config --from-file=./config -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl apply -f - -
Delete the existing pod.
[demouser@demovm ~]$ kubectl delete pod <pod_name>
IBM Cloud
The IBM cloud container service provides advanced capabilities for building cloud-native apps, adding DevOps to existing apps, and relieving the pain around security, scale, and infrastructure management. Further information can be obtained from the IBM Cloud Web site: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/container-service
To set the context for the kubectl utility use the IBM Cloud CLI to obtain the kubectl configuration file:
## Log into IBM Cloud.
ibmcloud login -sso
## Obtain the list of available cluster.
ibmcloud ks clusters
## Show the details of the cluster.
ibmcloud ks workers <cluster-name>
## Create the kubectl configuration file.
ibmcloud ks cluster config <cluster-name>
## Set the kubectl configuration file.
export KUBECONFIG=<deployment-yaml>
Updated 3 months ago