Using pre-authenticaiton access policy to determine first factor authentication

Using pre-authenticaiton access policy to determine first factor authentication

Scenarios exist where incoming OAuth/OIDC runtime parameters are used to determine the authentication method for a user, a pre-authentication access policy can now be configured when user authentication needs to be determined by an incoming Authentication Class Reference (ACR) value, scope or any protocol specific runtime parameter.



  • A new definition level configuration parameter preauth_access_policy_id.
definition: id: 1 name: OIDC Definition ... preauth_access_policy_id: test_policy ... rules: access_policy: - name: test_policy content: '@rules/preauthpolicy.js'
  • The Web reverse proxy needs to be updated to attach an unauth ACL to the auth endpoint.

Pre-authentication policy snippet

importClass(; importClass(; importClass(; var protocolContext = context.getProtocolContext(); var reqScope = protocolContext.getAuthenticationRequest().getAuthenticationContext().getScope(); var acr = protocolContext.getAuthenticationRequest().getAuthenticationContext().getAuthenticationClassReference(); IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("reqScope: " + reqScope); IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("acr: " + acr); if(acr == "silver"){ var handler = new RedirectChallengeDecisionHandler(); let url = ""; handler.setRedirectUri(url); context.setDecision(Decision.challenge(handler)); } else if(acr == "platinum"){ var handler = new RedirectDenyDecisionHandler(); handler.setRedirectUri(""); context.setDecision(Decision.deny(handler)); } else if(acr == "gold"){ var handler = new HtmlPageDenyDecisionHandler(); handler.setMacro("@MESSAGE@", "Incorrect acr_values requested"); handler.setPageId("error.json"); context.setDecision(Decision.deny(handler)); } else{ IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("Allow"); context.setDecision(Decision.allow()); }
  • Details about the available context and Decisions are available in the access_policy topic.
  • User context is not available in pre-authenticaiton access policy, since a user session is not established.



If the redirect challenge decision does not come back with a valid user session, the access policy will be executed with no prior context.

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