Retrieve a list of consent records.

Use this API to retrieve a list of consent records.

Entitlements required(One of the following):

  • readSelfPrivacyConsent (Read your own privacy consents)
    • manageSelfPrivacyConsent (Manage your own privacy consents)
      • readPrivacyConsent (Read privacy consents)
      • managePrivacyConsent (Manage privacy consents)

Query Params
length ≤ 32

Specify how the results are to be sorted.

The results are sorted by lastModifiedTime if the sort query parameter is not specified.

Each attribute must be prefixed with either + for ascending or - for descending.

Use a comma (,) to separate multiple attributes.

Supported values are: createdTime, lastModifiedTime, startTime and endTime.

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the sort parameter value must be HTML-encoded. Use the prefix "sort=" in the query parameter.

Example: Sort on -lastModified,+endTime.


Controls the results that are returned in a page.

A maximum of 50 results are returned if no pagination query parameters are specified.

Specify the following parameters:

count - Defines the total number of results that will be returned. The maximum value is 1000.

page - Identifies the requested page, or the offset.

limit - Defines the total number of results that are returned per page. The maximum value is 1000.

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the pagination parameter value must be HTML-encoded. Use the prefix "pagination=" in the query parameter.
Example: Paginate on count=10&page=1&limit=5



Specify the search criteria for the results.

Suppported values are: subjectId, purposeId, applicationId, attributeId, accessTypeId, geoIP and state.

Supported operators are: =. Use double quotation marks while searching for string values.

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the search parameter value must be HTML-encoded. Use the prefix "search=" in the query parameter.

Example: Search on state=1&accessTypeId="read"


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