Deprecated - Retrieves the list of OIDC consents.

Deprecated: This API is deprecated and will be removed after June 2022. Migrate OIDC applications to Advanced consent type and start using the Data Privacy and Consent Management APIs.
Retrieves the list of OIDC or OAuth consents that belongs to this tenant.

Entitlements required: readOidcConsents (Read OIDC and OAuth consents) or manageOidcConsents (Manage OIDC and OAuth consents)

Query Params

Controls the results that are returned in a page.

Use the following query parameters:

count - Defines the total number of results that are returned from the data store. The maximum value is 1000.

page - Identifies the requested page, or the offset.

limit - Defines the total number of results that are returned per page. The maximum value is 1000.

A maximum of 200 results are returned if no pagination query parameters are passed.

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the pagination parameter value must be HTML-encoded. Use the prefix "pagination=" in the query parameter.

Example: Paginate on count=10&page=1&limit=5


Sorts the returned results.

Each attribute must be prefixed with either + for ascending or - for descending.

Use a comma (,) to separate multiple attributes.

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the sort parameter value must be HTML-encoded. Use the prefix "sort=" in the query parameter.

Example: Sort on -issuedOn,+lastUsed


Returns results based on the search criteria.

Valid operators for strings are =, !=, and contains. Use double quotation marks for the search values.
Valid operators for booleans are = and !
Valid operators for numbers and timestamps are >=, >, <=, <, =, and !=.

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the search parameter value must be HTML-encoded. Use the prefix "search=" in the query parameter.

Example: Search on clientName contains "fd45"&name="John Smith"


Applies a base criteria to the search.

Valid operators for strings are = , != and contains. Use double quotation marks for the search values.
Valid operators for booleans are = and !
Valid operators for numbers and timestamps are >=, >, <=, <, =, and !=.

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the base parameter value must be HTML-encoded. Use the prefix "base=" in the query parameter.

Example: Base criteria for clientName contains "fd45"&name="John Smith"


Displays results based on the filter criteria.

Filter values are inclusive or exclusive only. They cannot be combined.

Use a comma (,) to separate multiple filter parameters.

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the filter parameter value must be HTML-encoded. Use the prefix "filter=" in the query parameter.

Filter to return only clientName : filter=clientName
Filter to exclude clientId and category : filter=%21clientId,%21category



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