Retrieves the list of custom OIDC token types.

Retrieves the list of custom OIDC token types.

Entitlements required: readSTSClients (Read STS clients and token types) or manageSTSClients (Manage STS clients and token types)

Query Params

Controls the results that are returned in a page.

Use the following query parameters:

count - Defines the total number of results that are returned from the data store. The maximum value is 1000.

page - Identifies the requested page, or the offset.

limit - Defines the total number of results that are returned per page. The maximum value is 1000.

A maximum of 200 results are returned if no pagination query parameters are passed.

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the pagination parameter value must be HTML encoded. Use the prefix "pagination=" in the query parameter.

Example: Paginate on count=10&page=1&limit=5


Sorts the returned results.

Each attribute must be prefixed with either + for ascending or - for descending.

Use a comma (,) to separate multiple attributes.

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the sort parameter value must be HTML encoded. Use the prefix "sort=" in the query parameter.

Example: Sort on name (descending)


Returns results based on the search criteria.

Valid operators for strings are = , != and contains. Use double quotation marks for the search values.
Valid operators for booleans are = and !
Valid operators for numbers and timestamps are >=, >, <=, <, = and !=

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the search parameter value must be HTML encoded. Use the prefix "search=" in the query parameter.

Example: Search on name contains "ibm"&type="urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"


Displays results based on the filter criteria.

Filter values are inclusive or exclusive only. They cannot be combined.

Use a comma (,) to separate multiple filter parameters.

Note: If you are not using the Swagger UI, the filter parameter value must be HTML encoded. Use the prefix "filter=" in the query parameter.

Filter to return only the token type name : filter=name
Filter to exclude issuer and jwksUri : filter=%21issuer,%21jwksUri



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