Deprecated - Retrieve instances corresponding to a specific campaign configuration.

The api to get instances of a specific campaign v1.0 (v1.0/self/campaigns/{id}/instances) is deprecated. The end of life is 31-Dec-2025. Use the following alternative API: GET /v2.0/campaigns/{id}/instances
Get campaign instances corresponding to a given campaign configuration for a reviewer or supervisor. At least one record must be associated with the reviewer or supervisor.
Entitlements required: manageAccessCertification [Manage Access Certification].

Path Params

Campaign Configuration ID

Query Params
array of strings
Defaults to all

The filter for the campaign instance state: noinstance, aborted, closed, completed, created, deleted, failed, paused, running, starting, success.


Consider the calling user as a supervisor of the campaign when set to true.

Defaults to assigned

Filter by which the campaigns were assigned to the calling user: assigned, delegated.


The generic filter for returning campaign instances that contain the passed string in one of the following attributes: name (Campaign instance name).


The attribute of the campaign instance that is used to sort results. The possible values are: name, type, priority, status, timelaststart, timeclosed, progress, lastpausedate, timeremaining.

When you provide,
name: The campaign instance name is used for sorting.
type: The campaign instance type is used for sorting.
priority: The campaign instance priority is used for sorting.
status: The campaign instance status is used for sorting.
timelaststart: The campaign instance lastStartDate timestamp is used for sorting.
timeclosed: The campaign instance endDate timestamp is used for sorting.
progress: The campaign instance progress is used for sorting.
lastpausedate: The campaign instance lastPauseDate timestamp is used for sorting.
timeremaining: The campaign instance timeRemaining timestamp is used for sorting.

Defaults to true

Decides sort order.

Defaults to 500

Specifies the maximum number of resources that the search returns for a page.

Defaults to 1

Page number.



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