Lists the API Clients

Gets a list of the configured API clients. Note: The response contains the API client ID and secret for each API client. The API client secret is privileged information.

Entitlements required: manageAPIClients (Manage API clients) or readAPIClients (Read API clients)

Query Params

The prefix for the paging parameter is "pagination=". If no pagination parameters are passed in, all results are returned. The maximum allowed value for limit or count is 1000.
count is the total number of results to be returned from the data store.
page is which page we are requesting, or the offset.
limit is the total number of results to return in one page.

The pagination parameter value must be HTML encoded.
Note: This is not required when using the Swagger UI.

Example: Paginate on count=10&page=1&limit=5


The prefix for the sort parameter is "sort=". Each attribute must be prefixed with either + or - (+ ascending, - descending). Multiple attributes must be separated by a comma (,).

The valid fields for sorting are: clientId, clientName, and enabled.

The sort parameter value must be HTML encoded.
Note: This is not required when using the Swagger UI.

Example: Sort on -enabled,+clientId


The prefix for all search operations is "search=".
Valid operators for strings are = , != and contains
Valid operators for booleans are = and !=
Valid operators for numbers are >=, >, <=, <, = and !=
String search values must be double quoted, numbers and booleans must not.

The valid fields for sorting are: clientId, clientName, and enabled.

The search parameter value must be HTML encoded.
Note: This is not required when using the Swagger UI.

Example: Search on clientId contains "ABCDEF"&enabled=true


The prefix for the filter parameter is "filter="
Valid formats are either inclusive only or exclusive only. These must not be intermingled. Multiple filter parameters must be separated by a comma (,).

The valid fields for filtering are: id, clientId, clientName, clientSecret, entitlements, and enabled.

The filter parameter value must be HTML encoded.
Note: This is not required when using the Swagger UI.

Filter to only return clientId:

Filter to exclude clientSecret and enabled:


The operation was successful.


The access token does not allow access to the requested resource.

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