Deprecated - Retrieve instances corresponding to a specific campaign configuration.

The api to get instances to a specific campaign configuration v1.0 (v1.0/admin/campaigns/{id}/instances) is deprecated. The end of life is 31-Dec-2025. Use the following alternative API: GET /v2.0/campaigns/{id}/instances
Get campaign instances corresponding to a given campaign configuration. If called by application owner, the API can only get instances that the owner created or which contain at least one Application owned by the owner.
Entitlements required: manageAccessCertification [Manage Access Certification].

Path Params

Campaign Configuration ID

Query Params
array of strings
Defaults to all

The filter for the campaign instance state: noinstance, aborted, closed, completed, created, deleted, failed, paused, running, starting, success.


The generic filter for returning campaign instances that contain the passed string in one of the following attributes: name (Campaign instance name).


The attribute of the campaign instance that is used to sort results. The possible values are: name, type, priority, status, timelaststart, timeclosed, progress, lastpausedate, timeremaining.

When you provide,
name: The campaign instance name is used for sorting.
type: The campaign instance type is used for sorting.
priority: The campaign instance priority is used for sorting.
status: The campaign instance status is used for sorting.
timelaststart: The campaign instance lastStartDate timestamp is used for sorting.
timeclosed: The campaign instance endDate timestamp is used for sorting.
progress: The campaign instance progress is used for sorting.
lastpausedate: The campaign instance lastPauseDate timestamp is used for sorting.
timeremaining: The campaign instance timeRemaining timestamp is used for sorting.

Defaults to true

Decides sort order.

Defaults to 500

Specifies the maximum number of resources that the search returns for a page.

Defaults to 1

Page number.



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