Complete a user invitation.

Entitlements required: inviteUser (Invite user).

This API is a public preview and is enabled for a tenant that includes invite user beta support.

Create the user and add them to groups or add an existing user to groups depending on the payload that is passed in. If the user record is specified, the user is created and added to the groups. If the user ID is specified, the user is added to the groups. If neither is specified, the transaction is completed without any further updates to the user.

This API completes the transaction and generates the audit event. If the flow is not finished and the email link is expired, the transaction is cleaned up automatically. If successful, the end user is emailed indicating they successfully completed the invitation.

Notifications can be branded by passing in the themeId as a query parameter. The template for branding is located at "notifications/user_management/invite/invite_user_complete_email.xml"
