get https://{tenanturl}/v2.0/CSV/headerNames
The names that are returned can be used as the headers for the CSV file.
The filter query parameter supports the options:
"user" - the filter shows the user header names. |
"group" - the filter shows the group header names. |
No filter shows the user header names.
Entitlement required: manageUserGroups (Manage users and groups) or manageAllUserGroups (Synchronize users and groups) or manageUserStandardGroups (Manage users and standard groups), or manageUsers (Manage all users), or manageUsersInStandardGroups (Manage users in standard groups).or manageGroups (Manage all groups but not their members), or manageStandardGroups (Manage standard groups but not their members), or manageGroupMembers (Manage all group and their members), or manageStandardGroupMembers (Manage standard groups and their members).
Note: You only need one entitlement, but you can have more than one.