Replaces the authenticated user's attributes in Cloud Directory.

Entitlement required: anyone (Any authenticated user).

On Success, the returned response includes the user and group membership details. The HTTP PUT method is used to replace the resource's attributes. For example, clients that previously retrieved the entire resource and revised it, can replace the resource by using an HTTP PUT.
The user's groups cannot be modified and are ignored in the payload. Group membership is managed by using the PUT /v2.0/Groups/{id} and PATCH /v2.0/Groups/{id} API.

By default, an email is sent to the user that includes the changed attributes. The email template for branding is at "notifications/user_management/profile/{locale}/user_profile_modified_email.xml". Pass in the themeId query parameter to brand the email template for notifications. To turn off email notifications, send the notifications option "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ibm:2.0:Notification": {"notifyType":"NONE"} in the payload.

This API requires an authenticated user's access token that is generated from an application client during sign-on. This API does not support the use of an API client-generated access token.
Send a valid user access token in the authorization header, by using the bearer authentication scheme.

If custom password intelligence warning is enabled and a password is provided that is listed in it, the 200 response includes the header 'isv-dictionary-policy' with the value: 'WARNLOCAL'.
If X-Force password intelligence warning is enabled and a password is provided that is listed in it, the 200 response includes the header 'isv-dictionary-policy' with the value: 'WARNGLOBAL'.
If custom password intelligence prevention is enabled and a password is provided that is listed in it, the 400 response can include the header 'isv-dictionary-policy' with the value: 'ENFORCELOCAL'. The corresponding error status is 'PWD_IN_DICTIONARY'.
If X-Force password intelligence prevention is enabled and a password is provided that is listed in it, the 400 response can include the header 'isv-dictionary-policy' with the value: 'ENFORCEGLOBAL'. The corresponding error status is 'PWD_IN_GLOBAL_DICTIONARY'.
