Deprecated - Retrieve all assignments in a given campaign instance.

The api to get all assignments for a campaign instance v1.0 (v1.0/admin/instances/{id}/assignments) is deprecated. The end of life is 31-Dec-2025. Use the following alternative API: POST /v2.0/instances/{id}/assignments
Get all the assignments for a specific campaign instance. If called by an application owner, the API can get assignments only for campaigns that the owner created or that contain at least one application that the owner owns.
Entitlements required: manageAccessCertification [Manage Access Certification].

Path Params

Campaign Instance ID

Query Params

The attribute of the campaign assignment that is used to sort results. The possible values are: application, assignee, accountname, accountstatus, reviewer, lastaction, type, creationdate, groupsid.

When you provide,
application: The application name is used for sorting.
assignee: The assignee fullName is used for sorting.
accountname: The account userName is used for sorting.
accountstatus: The account finerStatus is used for sorting.
reviewer: The reviewer name is used for sorting.
lastaction: The last_action is used for sorting.
type: The entitlement type is used for sorting.
creationdate: The campaign assignment creationDate timestamp is used for sorting.

Defaults to true

Decides sort order.

Defaults to 500

Specifies the maximum number of resources that the search returns for a page.

Defaults to 1

Page number.

Body Params

Supported assignment filters for search
lastActions: The filter for the reviewer action.
Possible values for reviewer actions are: none, approved, rejected, redirected, escalated, noMoreOnTarget.
Provide multiple values separated by commas.

assigneesId: The filter for the assignee.
Provide multiple values separated by commas. For example, 607000JX53, 6050001F7Z, 50EEPX4TQC

reviewersId: The filter for the campaign reviewer.
Provide multiple values separated by commas. For example, 607000JX53, 6050001F7Z, 50EEPX4TQC

appsId: The filter for the campaign application.
Provide multiple values separated by commas. For example,7728662622850583652, 7729580475382480456

assignmentTypes: The filter for the assignment type: role, permission, account.
Provide multiple values separated by commas.

assignmentNames: The filter for the assignment names.
Here, for following campaign types:
userassignment/groupassignment: Provide entitlement name.
account: Provide account userName.
Provide multiple values separated by commas.

assignmentStatus: The filter for the assignment status: compliant, non_compliant, orphan, unmanaged, unmatched.
Provide multiple values separated by commas.

groupsId: The filter for the discretionary groups.
Provide multiple values separated by commas. For example, 6160015WXY, 6270026WZY, 50FEQX8SRD

filter: The generic filter for returning campaign assignments that contain the passed string in one of the following attributes:,, assignee.fullName, assignee.firstName, assignee.lastName,, account.userName

array of strings

Last actions executed by each reviewer.

array of strings

IDs of the users

array of strings

IDs of the users having the assignments

array of strings

IDs of the applications to which the assignments are related.

array of strings

Assignment types

array of strings

Assignment names

array of strings

Assignment compliance status (Account campaign case).

array of strings

IDs of the groups having the assignments.


Smart filter matched to assignee and application properties of each assignment.



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