Retrieves the SCIM capabilities enabled for the tenant.

Entitlement required: anyone (Any authenticated user).
Large group support features are identified in the swagger documentation for the /v2.0/Users and /v2.0/Groups API.

The "largeGroupSupport" flag enabled means that the tenant supports the retrieval of the members of groups that have greater than 10,000 members.
Additional features include the ability to:

- Search for users in a specific group by using the "membersOf" SCIM attribute. For example. GET /v2.0/Users?filter=userName sw "patel" AND memberOf eq "{group ID}"
- Page through all the members of a large group by using a bookmark query parameter. For example: GET /v2.0/Groups?nextPage={bookmark}
- View the total number of members for the groups that are returned in the reponse.
- Restrict HelpDesk administrators to manage specific groups of users by using Admin Roles.

Large group support imposes some API limitations. They are:

POST /v2.0/Groups
- A maximum of 256 first-level, nested group members is allowed
- A maximum of 2,500 users members is allowed in the input payload. To add additional members, use PATCH.

PUT /v2.0/Groups/{id}
- A group with over 2,500 group members cannot be modified. Use PATCH instead.
- The "size" of the changes to a group cannot exceed 2,500 member modifications.
- A maximum of 256 first-level, nested group members are allowed.

PATCH /v2.0/Groups/{id}
- The "size" of the changes to a group cannot exceed 2,500 member modifications.
- A maximum of 256 first-level, nested group members are allowed.
