put https://{tenanturl}/v2.0/tenant/properties
The HTTP PUT is used to replace the tenant properties. For example, clients that have previously retrieved the entire list of properties and revised it, can replace the properties by using an HTTP PUT.
Entitlements required: manageTenantProperties (Manage tenant properties)
The following example shows a JSON body for the tenant property "accessControlAllowOrigin":
{ "accessControlAllowOrigin": [ { "regex": false, "origin": "https://www.ibm.com" } ]} |
The following example shows a JSON body for the tenant property "targetUrlAllowedHostV2":
{ "targetUrlAllowedHostV2": [ { "regex": true, "targetUrl": "^https" }, { "regex": false, "targetUrl": "https://tenantname.com" } ]} |
The target URL path for the tenant domain is allowed by default, for example, https://tenantname.com
The following example shows a JSON body for the tenant property "securityHeaderContentSecurityPolicy":
{ "securityHeaderContentSecurityPolicy": "default-src 'self' example.com *.example.com"} |