V2 Retrieve all the identity source instances of the tenant.

The REST interface that retrieves all the identity source instances of the tenant.

NOTE: If the identity source has V1 properties, they are translated to V2 equivalents. See the table in the V2 PUT and POST descriptions

Entitlements required: readIdentitySources, manageIdentitySources

Query Params

You can use following filters to fetch the identity source instances with specific properties.

enduser: Returns all the identity source instances that are enabled for end users, i.e. the instances with show_end_user property value set as true.

appscope: Returns all the social identity sources, excluding the IBMid identity source, that are associated with custom applications.
Regardless of this filter, Cloud Directory is included as the default provider.


The prefix for all search operations is search=.
You can search on following fields: id, sourceTypeId, instanceName, enabled
Specifying any other field than the allowed search fields in the criteria will result in an error.

Valid operators for strings are =, != and contains
Valid operators for booleans are = and !=
Valid operators for numbers are =, !=, >=, >, <=, and <
String search values must be double quoted; the numbers and booleans must be without quotes. More than one search criteria can be specified using "and" and "or" operators.

The search parameter value MUST be URL encoded.
Notes: Only value should be encoded; not the parameter name. Encoding is not required when using Swagger UI.

a. To search on instanceName, provide the search criteria as follows:

   instanceName = "Baidu" 

or in URL encoded form as follows:

b. To search on instanceName containing "SAML" in it, provide the search criteria as follows:
   instanceName contains "SAML" 

or in URL encoded form as follows:

c. To search the SAML Enterprise instances that have "ABC" in their names, provide the search criteria as follows:
   instanceName contains "ABC" and sourceTypeId = 4 

or in URL encoded form as follows:


The prefix for the paging parameter is pagination=.

If pagination parameters are not specified, then all the results will be returned.

If pagination parameters are specified, then the results will be paginated. Following are the parameters that can be specified; these parameters will be included in the response reflecting the actual results.

page: The page being requested, or the offset that defines the starting resource number.
limit: It is a page size; it defines the total number of resources that can be included in one page. It is the maximum number of resources that will be returned in the response.count: The total number of resources to be returned in the response. It is an optional parameter, and it MUST be less than or equal to the limit. If not specified, then count = limit.

The pagination parameter value MUST be URL encoded.
Note: Only value should be encoded; not the parameter name. Encoding is not required when using Swagger UI.

Note: The maximum value allowed for the limit or count fields is 1000.

a. To retrieve first 5 or less resources from page 1, provide pagination parameters as follows:


or in URL encoded form as follows:

b. To retrieve first 3 or less resources from page 2, provide pagination parameters as follows:

or in URL encoded form as follows:


The prefix for the sort parameter is sort=.
You can sort on following fields: id, sourceTypeId, instanceName, enabled
Specifying any other field than the allowed sort fields will result in an error.

Each sort attribute must be prefixed with either + or - (+ ascending, - descending). A list of attributes separated by a comma (,) can be specified for the second or third order of sorting.

The sort parameter value MUST be URL encoded.
Note: Only value should be encoded; not the parameter name. Encoding is not required when using Swagger UI.

a. To sort on sourceTypeId in ascending order, provide the sort parameter as follows:


or in URL encoded form as follows:

b. To sort on sourceTypeId in ascending order and for second order sort on instanceName in descending order, provide the sort parameter as follows:

or in URL encoded form as follows:


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