Creates a group for a specified tenant.

Entitlement required: manageUserGroups (Manage users and groups), or manageAllUserGroups (Synchronize users and groups), or manageUserStandardGroups (Manage users and standard groups), or manageGroups (Manage all groups but not their members), or manageStandardGroups (Manage standard groups but not their members), or manageGroupMembers (Manage all group and their members), or manageStandardGroupMembers (Manage standard groups and their members).
Note: You only need one entitlement, but you can have more than one.

To create a group, a displayName is required. An optional Description attribute can be set to describe the group. A group can be created with or without members. When a group is created with members, a list of members needs to be passed in.

By default, an email is sent to each regular user member added to the group. Federated user members do not get an email notification. The email template for branding is at "notifications/user_management/group/{locale}/group_added_email.xml". Pass in the themeId query parameter to brand the email template for notifications. To turn off email notifications, send the notifications option "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ibm:2.0:Notification": {"notifyType":"NONE"} in the payload.

Limitations for tenants that support large groups:

- A maximum of 256 first-level, nested group members is allowed.
- A maximum of 2,500 users members is allowed in the input payload. To add more members, use PATCH.

To check whether the tenant supports large groups, run the GET /v2.0/SCIM/capabilities API.
