Perform operations on a collection of campaign instances that belong to a specific tenant.

The API is used to perform operations on a collection of campaign instances that belong to a specific tenant.
The owners of the application can perform operations on the list of campaign instances that are created by them or includes at least one application owned by them.
Entitlements required: manageAccessWorkflow [Manage Access Request Work Flows].

Body Params

List of campaign instances to modify:
Campaign instance payload details:

- id: Campaign instance ID.
- eventType: The action to apply to the campaign instance.

Allowable values for eventType are: cancel, pause, restart, runnow, end, delete.
cancel: Transitions the campaign instance to a cancelled state, indicating it is no longer active.
pause: Temporarily halts a running campaign instance, putting it in a paused state.
restart: Resumes a paused campaign instance, continuing its execution.
runnow: Triggers immediate execution of a scheduled campaign instance.
end: Transitions a running campaign to a completion state, before the designated completion date. It is mainly to enforce the campaign closure based actions immediately.
delete: Delete the campaign instance immediately from the database.


If the value is set to true, the API call is treated as an admin API call.


The request was successfully accepted.


Your request cannot be processed because an internal server error occurred.

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