Run a report.

This endpoint is used to run most of the reports. Provide the report name and request payload in the body section.

Entitlements required: readReports or manageReports.

POST /reporting/v1.0/reports/{report_name} - API is used to get the first batch of events.
POST /reporting/v1.0/reports/{report_name}_search_after - API to get the remaining events.

For example, to get the authentication event attributes that are included in the table for authentication activity, you can use the following payloads:

Report NameExample Payload Request
The SEARCH_AFTER value is an array of the timestamp and ID of the last response entry from the auth_audit_trail report.
auth_audit_trail with SUBTYPE filter{

Note: Filter values must be in a comma separated list that is surrounded by quotation marks and the quotation marks must be escaped.
