The prefix for all search operations is search=.
You can search on following fields: id, sourceTypeId, instanceName, enabled
Specifying any other field than the allowed search fields in the criteria will result in an error.
Valid operators for strings are =, != and contains
Valid operators for booleans are = and !=
Valid operators for numbers are =, !=, >=, >, <=, and <
String search values must be double quoted; the numbers and booleans must be without quotes. More than one search criteria can be specified using "and" and "or" operators.
The search parameter value MUST be URL encoded.
Notes: Only value should be encoded; not the parameter name. Encoding is not required when using Swagger UI.
a. To search on instanceName, provide the search criteria as follows:
instanceName = "Baidu"
or in URL encoded form as follows:
b. To search on instanceName containing "SAML" in it, provide the search criteria as follows:
instanceName contains "SAML"
or in URL encoded form as follows:
c. To search the SAML Enterprise instances that have "ABC" in their names, provide the search criteria as follows:
instanceName contains "ABC" and sourceTypeId = 4
or in URL encoded form as follows: